MINUTES: Regular Meeting of the University Senate

DATE: November 16, 2018

TIME AND PLACE: 1:30 p.m., Multipurpose Room, Camden Campus Center, Camden Campus

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Ahmed; Alexander-Floyd; Ardeshna; Atkins; Aubert; Avallone; Bhuyan; Boikess; Borisovets; Brewster-Bauzyk; Bugel; Carson; Carty; Cole; Dane; Dasari; DiLalo; Dreyer; Emmons; Everett; Field; Gillett; Giraud; Gonzalez; Haddon; Hunter; Hunter-Fratzola; Jarrin; Joergensen; Johnson; Kabia; Kane; Kashalikar; Kurtas; Kustka; Lee; Lewis; Little; LoGrippo; Maglione-Rico; Mammis; Mancini; Markert; Marsic; Matto; Nickitas; Norris; Norville; Oleske; Oliver; Pappas; Parsa; Patel; Perez; Puar; Puhak; Rabinowitz; Ravichandran; Raza; Rivera; Saltzman; Schwartz; Serrano; Sesti; Soto; Spiegel; Struble; Takhistov; Tharney; Thompson; Thompson; Thuravil; Tracey; Van Stine; White; Wilde; Zhang

EXCUSED:  Abbas; Acosta; Alizadeh; Bekdash; Bora; Bridgeman; Chunn; Craig; Cummings; Cummings; DeFabiis; Denham-Barrett; Dettloff; Ebert; Esposito; Fagan; Fellenz; Goldfarb; Goodman; Gould; Graber; Gross; Guo; Gursoy; Han; Hartman; Heckscher; Honeycutt; Junboota; Kaminskas; Kane; Kelly; LaPointe; Lema; Lindboe; Lutz; Mahajan-Cusack; Maloney; McKeever; Mena-Segovia; Menifield; Miller; Murphy; O'Neill; Pardlo; Parrish; Patel; Peyrek; Pinto-Figueroa; Piotrowski; Powell; Raval; Rosen; Rothpeltz-Puglia; Sanchez; Shah; Shah; Trees; Ziessler

ABSENT:   Alidou; Alvarez; Artun; Awan; Balaguru; Barbarese; Barchi; Barone; Brunson; Butler; Butterfield; Cahill; Cantor; Chinn; Collins; Conway; Cotter; Covington; D'Anna; DeFilippis; Dowlin; Eastman; Eaton; Eisenstein; Estriplet; Farmbry; Farris; Feldman; Filippelli; Gabriel; Ganesh; Ghesani; Gower; Greenberg; Halkitis; Hatefi; Holzemer; Iannini; Johnson; Kettle; Kettler; Kukor; Langer; Langsam; Lei; Lindenmeyer; Lombardi; Lopez; Lugg; Mahon; Mansukhani; March; Marchetta; Masiello; Mazurek; Molloy; Murphy; O'Brassill-Kulfan; O'Connor; Pagan; Pandey; Paskhover; Patel; Patton; Pichugin; Ponzio; Porumbescu; Potter; Potter; Pradhan; Rajan; Schiavo; Schneider; Sen; Shapiro; Shapses; Sheridan; Shinbrot; Silver; Song; Stauffer; Steinberg; Strom; Szatrowski; Tsakalakos; Vidal; Williams; Yang; Young

ATTENDANCE  SUMMARY : Faculty: Of 117 total: 38 present (32%), 33 excused (28%), 45 absent (38%); Students: Of 37 total: 19 present (51%), 16 excused (43%), 7 absent (19%); Administrators: Of 40 total: 3 present (8%), 5 excused (13%), 33 absent (82%); Staff: Of 17 total: 12 present (71%), 4 excused (24%), 3 absent (18%); Alumni: Of 6 total: 4 present (67%), 1 excused (17%), 1 absent (16%
View Senate Attendance Record for this academic year


Senate Chair Peter Gillett called the meeting to order at 1:33 p.m. in the Camden Campus Center Multipurpose Room, Camden Campus. He welcomed everyone to the Camden Campus and thanked Chancellor Phoebe Haddon and her staff for hosting and for providing lunch. He asked Senators, despite the later start time due to the extension of standing committees, to attempt not to finish later than usual. He also, made the following points:

REPORT OF THE SECRETARY - Mary Mickelsen, Executive Secretary 


Jennie Owens, elected to serve as the 2018-19 Alumni Member of the Senate Executive Committee at the April 27, 2018 Organizational Meeting, has resigned her seat citing scheduling conflicts. In accordance with University Policy 50.2.1 Section F, the Senate Executive Committee at its November 2 meeting, nominated Houshang Parsa as Jennie's replacement, which he has accepted.

Chair Gillett asked if there were any nominations from the floor, which there were none. The Senate was asked to vote utilizing their voting cards. Senator Parsa was elected as the Alumni Member of the Senate Executive Committee with 1 opposition.


Faculty and Personnel Affairs Report on the Partnership Process between RWJ Barnabas, Rutgers University, and the Rutgers University Faculty- Farid Alizadeh and Joseph Markert, Co-Chairs of FPAC

FPAC reported on its own initiative on: Full and transparent participation of RBHS faculty and staff in the ongoing discussions centered on the partnership between RWJ Barnabas, Rutgers University, and the Rutgers University Faculty.

FPAC Chair Joseph Markert and FPAC Members Mary Jo Bugel, Babu Dasari, and Boris Paskhover presented and summarized the FPAC's Report on the Partnership Process between RWJ Barnabas, Rutgers University, and the Rutgers University Faculty. There was a debate regarding how staff was considered in the formulation of the report, which then resulted in a proposed amendment for the RBHS staff to consider developing a staff council to provide the opportunity for RBHS staff to communicate and engage the RBHS administration. While debating the amendment, it was determined that such a council already exists and many felt this point did not belong within this report. The amendment was subsequently voted on and rejected. The main motion was then voted on as originally presented, which carried unanimously.

CAMDEN CHANCELLOR'S REPORT - Camden Chancellor Phoebe Haddon

Camden Chancellor Phoebe Haddon  presented the Camden Chancellor's Report. The presentation on that report is linked above. Haddon then responded to questions, or heard comments, on the report and related issues.

ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT - Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs Barbara Lee

Senior Vice President Lee presented an Administrative Report that included comments on:
Lee then responded to questions, or heard comments, on the above subjects, as well as the lack of an administration response to the November 15th snow storm; an expression of gratitude from LGBTQ students for the administration's support; the issue regarding a long-closed antisemitism case against Rutgers being re-opened; Canvas chosen as the University-wide learning management system and possible issues regarding academic freedom; and search for a permanent New Brunswick Chancellor.

- Senate Vice Chair Jon Oliver reported on the November 2, 2018 meeting and activities of the Senate Executive Committee.

REPORTS OF THE REPRESENTATIVES TO BOARDS OF GOVERNORS AND TRUSTEES: Senator Samuel Rabinowitz, Faculty Representative to the Board of Governors, reported that there has not been a Board of Governors meeting since the last Senate meeting. Senator Mary Jo Bugel, Faculty Representative to the Board of Trustees, reported that the next Board of Trustees meeting will be on December 6. 

CAMPUS FACULTY AND STUDENT LIAISON REPORTS: Senator Samuel Rabinowitz, reported on that group's October 25 meeting. Camden Student Senator Michael Van Stine reported there had not been a meeting of the Camden SGA since the last Senate meeting. Senator Sanjib Bhuyan, New Brunswick Faculty Council Chair, reported on that group's plans and their October 26, 2018 meeting. Senator Julie Serrano, New Brunswick Student Member of the Senate Executive Committee, reported on New Brunswick student governing association activities.  

ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m.

Minutes Written and Submitted by,
Mary Mickelsen
Executive Secretary of the University Senate