Committee Charges Related to the Undergraduate Task Force Report
September 29, 2005

[Committee chairs and membership information can be viewed on the Senate's "
Standing Committees Membership" page.]

The following charges were issued to Senate standing committees on September 29, 2005, under the blanket charge number A-0503:

Academic Standards, Regulations and Admissions Committee  (Charge A-0503ASRA)

Consider and make recommendations concerning the proposals on admissions and recruitment and on special student populations of the Task Force on Undergraduate Education, as well as alternative proposals submitted by members of the university community.  Include advice on the potential benefits and drawbacks for recruitment of the structure and nomenclature proposed in the Task Force Report and in alternative proposals. As time permits, consider other aspects of the Task Force recommendations that are of particular concern to members of the Academic Standards, Regulations and Admissions Committee.  Provide an interim report to the Executive Committee by November 2, 2005 and a final report and recommendations by February 1, 2006.

Budget and Finance Committee  (Charge A-0503BF)

Consider the financial implications of and make recommendations concerning the major proposals of the Task Force on Undergraduate Education with regard to structure, learning communities and campus life, special student populations, and administrative centralization of advising, student centers, residence-life programming, and counseling centers. Where appropriate, also consider alternative proposals from the university community.  Seek to obtain all relevant cost projections prepared by or for the administration or the Board of Governors and to give a rough estimate of the costs of implementing the major Task Force proposals, including the establishment of an adequate number of learning communities and of an enhanced New Brunswick-wide Honors Program.  Explore how alumni contributions and other external funding might be affected by the proposed structural changes. As time permits, consider other aspects of the Task Force recommendations that are of particular concern to members of the Budget and Finance Committee.  Provide an interim report to the Executive Committee by November 2, 2005 and a final report and recommendations by February 1, 2006.

Equal Opportunity Committee  (Charge A-0503EO)

Consider and make recommendations concerning the proposals of the Task Force on Undergraduate Education, as well as alternative proposals submitted by members of the university community, based on their implications for the diversity of the student body, the campus climate, and access to Rutgers, New Brunswick. In particular, include advice concerning the proposals dealing with dissolution of the arts and sciences colleges, changes in admissions standards and procedures, and centralization of authority over advising, residence-life programming, student centers, and counseling centers. As time permits, consider other aspects of the Task Force recommendations that are of particular concern to members of the Equal Opportunity Committee.  Provide an interim report to the Executive Committee by November 2, 2005 and a final report and recommendations by February 1, 2006.

Faculty Affairs and Personnel Committee  (Charge A-0503FAP)

Consider the potential effects on faculty, staff, and administrative personnel of the proposals on the structure of undergraduate education, the student experience, learning communities and campus life, and faculty and student responsibilities of the Task Force on Undergraduate Education, as well as alternative proposals submitted by members of the university community.  Make recommendations, as necessary, on the appropriate roles of the campus (or college) deans, the dean of the College (or School) of Arts and Sciences, the Vice President for Undergraduate Education, the Vice President for Student Affairs, and their academic and student-life staffs; on the transition process to a new set of reporting relations; on appropriate incentives for faculty to become more connected with undergraduates; and on possible changes to tenure and promotion forms. As time permits, consider other aspects of the Task Force recommendations that are of particular concern to members of the Faculty Affairs and Personnel Committee.  Provide an interim report to the Executive Committee by November 2, 2005 and a final report and recommendations by February 1, 2006.

Instruction, Curricula and Advising Committee  (Charge A-0503ICA)

Consider and make recommendations concerning the proposals on the core curriculum, advising, special student populations, and learning communities and campus life of the Task Force on Undergraduate Education, as well as alternative proposals submitted by members of the university community.  Include advice on the desirability of the proposed single set of general education requirements regardless of school or college, single honors program, and centralization of advising, as well as on the viability of creating and sustaining a sufficient number of learning communities to meet the needs of all interested undergraduates. As time permits, consider other aspects of the Task Force recommendations that are of particular concern to members of the Instruction, Curricula and Advising Committee.  Provide an interim report to the Executive Committee by November 2, 2005 and a final report and recommendations by February 1, 2006.

Student Affairs Committee  (Charge A-0503SA)

Consider and make recommendations concerning the proposals on the undergraduate experience, the structure of undergraduate education, learning communities and campus life, and special student populations of the Task Force on Undergraduate Education, as well as alternative proposals submitted by members of the university community.  Include advice on the potential advantages and disadvantages to students of the proposed dissolution of the arts and sciences colleges and the proposed centralization of authority over advising, residence-life programming, student centers, and counseling centers. As time permits, consider other aspects of the Task Force recommendations that are of particular concern to members of the Student Affairs Committee.  Coordinate the Committee’s discussions with those of the Student Caucus.  Provide an interim report to the Executive Committee by November 2, 2005 and a final report and recommendations by February 1, 2006.

University Structure and Governance Committee  (Charge A-0503USG) 

Consider and make recommendations concerning the proposals on the structure of undergraduate education of the Task Force on Undergraduate Education, as well as alternative proposals submitted by members of the university community.  Include advice on the proposed dissolution of the present arts and sciences colleges and formation of the Rutgers College (or School) of Arts and Sciences; the recommended changes to Cook College;  the proposed roles of the campus (or college) deans, the Vice President for Undergraduate Education, the Vice President for Student Affairs, and the Dean of the College (or School) of Arts and Sciences; the proposal to form a single honors program in New Brunswick; and the proposals concerning formation of learning communities. To what extent does the structure proposed by the Task Force support its stated goals, particularly the goals of (i) correcting the weaknesses in the current collegiate structure while preserving its best features, and (ii) reconnecting students and faculty outside the classroom?  Are there alternative structures that would, on balance, better promote achievement of the Task Force goals?  As time permits, consider other aspects of the Task Force recommendations that are of particular concern to members of the University Structure and Governance Committee.  Provide an interim report to the Executive Committee by November 2, 2005 and a final report and recommendations by February 1, 2006.

Committee chairs and membership information can be viewed on the Senate's "Standing Committees Membership" page.