E-mail exchange between Karen Thompson, Staff Representative, Part-time Chapter of the Rutgers Council of AAUP Chapters, and Secretary Swalagin regarding Contingent Appointments and the Academic Profession

Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2004 12:18 PM
Subject: Fw: contingent faculty and the Senate

Hi Ken:

At Martha's suggestion, I am attaching a resolution recently passed by the California Faculty Association which has been tentatively amended as a potential resolution to be passed by Rutgers University Senate. Obviously it can be further amended as Senators see fit.  Please bring it to the attention of the Executive Committee so they can consider it.  Passing some such a resolution would bring these issues into the light and into discussion in an important way.  I have copied Nancy Ellis and Joe Markert in addition to Martha, so they can be of assistance if need be. Thanks for your help.


Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 12:53 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: contingent faculty and the Senate


Attachment received in good order.  This will go on the Senate Executive Committee (EC) agenda in January, and from there should be sent to
committee (probably the Faculty Affairs and Personnel Committee) before it goes to the Senate.  It's a nice resolution, although I'm not certain that the last part lauding the AAUP really fits into the Senate's mandate. Would you consider adding something which encourages the president (to whom the Senate transmits its advice on all subjects) to adopt the AAUP's stated principles, or something which would make the resolution the Senate's advice to the president on this subject?  The Senate committee which reviews this can do it, but it would be quicker if it were already in there when they get it.

I'll let you know what the Executive Committee does/says about the resolution.  Thanks for bringing this important issue to the Senate.

Ken Swalagin

Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 2:03 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: contingent faculty and the Senate


Any changes that the Executive Committee or another committee want to make are fine with me.
