Rutgers University Senate

University Structure and Governance Committee

Report on Graduate and Professional Education Committee


S-0409.  Senate Committee Structure, Graduate and Professional Education:  Consider revising the Senate committees’ standing charges to include among them responsibility for exploring issues related to graduate and professional education.  Also consider placement of responsibility for considering research-related issues in the committees’ standing charges.  Respond to Senate Executive Committee by March 24, 2005.

The University Senate does not have a committee whose primary focus is graduate and professional education and research-related issues, nor are those responsibilities clearly assigned to any standing committee.  Because graduate and professional education and research are central to the educational mission of the University, the University Structure and Governance Committee was asked to consider how these areas can best be addressed.

Discussion and Recommendations:
  The committee was in agreement that issues related to graduate and professional education and research fall within the broad educational concerns of the University Senate described under Regulation 2.2.2. B.   Most discussion centered on whether the best way to address these issues was through a separate committee, or by modifying the charge of existing committees.  In the reorganization of committee structure in 1995, the Senate greatly reduced the number of committees to streamline Senate structure, and committee members felt that this had generally been successful.  There was concern that adding a new committee would begin a proliferation of committees and create a committee with a narrow focus at odds with the broader responsibilities of the existing committees.  At the same time, issues relating to graduate and professional education and research span a number of areas that already intersect existing committees.  The committee members felt that research related issues are of greatest concern to faculty, since most research at the University is carried out or directed by faculty.  Since graduate and professional students work closely with their faculty mentors on research projects, members agreed to broaden the charge of the Faculty Affairs and Personnel Committee to consider these issues.  However, graduate and professional students are also students, and concerns in areas such as fees, student policies, etc, overlap with undergraduate concerns.  Committee members felt that these areas were best considered by the Student Affairs Committee.  Similarly, some educational issues might best be considered by the Academic Standards and Regulations Committee or the Committee on Instruction, Curricula, and Advising. In fact, Instruction, Curricula and Advising was responsible for producing the TA training report.  The committee members also felt that these changes in charges might not be inclusive, and that they should be reviewed after two years in light of issues brought to the Senate, and the appropriateness of their disposition.  The wording of the proposed changes is shown in the attached text. 

Resolution:  Be it resolved that the Rutgers University Senate recognizes the need for issues related to graduate and professional education and research to be included within the current Senate committee structure, and recommends that the charges of the Student Affairs Committee, the Faculty Affairs Committee, and the Committee on Instruction, Curricula and Advising be modified to reflect their responsibilities in these areas.  Be it further resolved that the Senate Structure and Governance Committee be charged to review and reevaluate these changes after two years.

4.         Student Affairs Committee

Standing Charge:  This Committee shall have primary responsibility for matters directly concerning both graduate and undergraduate students.  These shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

5.         Faculty Affairs and Personnel Committee

Standing Charge:  This Committee shall have primary responsibility for matters directly concerning faculty, research, and graduate and professional education, with the exception of matters included under the collective bargaining agreement.  These shall include, but will not be limited to, the following:

6.         Instruction, Curricula and Advising Committee

Standing Charge:  This Committee shall have primary responsibility for issues directly related to instructional matters, curricula and advising, including but not limited to:

7.         Academic Standards, Regulations and Admissions Committee

Standing Charge:  This Committee shall have primary responsibility for matters directly related to academic standards, regulations and admissions as they apply to both graduate and undergraduate students, including but not limited to: