Regular Meeting of the University Senate

DATE:  February 18, 2005

TIME AND PLACE:  1:10 p.m., Multipurpose Room East 232, Paul Robeson Campus Center, 350 Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard, Newark Campus

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Abaskharon, Apfel, Atmeh, Borisovets, Caprio, Chabal, A. Cooper, Cotter, Curry, Curtis, Darien, DeLisi, E. Dennis, Dess, Deutsch, Dholandas, Diner, DiVito, Dutta, Dupersoy, C. Ellis, N. Ellis, Ezgilioglu, Fahim, Feinberg, Fishbein, Furmanski, Gaunt, Gigliotti, Gillett, Goldin, Gould, Greenhut, Hall, Hoekzema, Hornichter, Huang, R. Jones, Kagan, Kauffman, Kavanagh, Kennedy, Kirby, Kokini, Krenos, Kressel, Krucher, LaSala, Leath, Liepmann, Markert, Markowitz, McCabe, McCormick, McKay, Melwani, Merandy, Norville, Obayashi, Ocone, O’Connell, O’Connor, Odutola, Panayotatos, Pangilinan, Philips, Potenza, Puniello, Samuel Rabinowitz, Sidney Rabinowitz, Raykar, Reed, Rubin, Schaich, Schorr, Scott, Sifuentes-Jauregui, P. Simmons, Spierer, Szatrowski, Tittler, Turner, Turvey, Venuto, Vodak, Volk, Woolley, Zaborszky, Zolad

EXCUSED:  Ambar, Axelrod, Banerjee, Baro, Barone, Bay, Bell, Bellany, Blasi, Boylan, Brazier, Cerulo,  Chen, Colaizzi, Davidson,  R. Dennis,  Evans, Farrell, Forero, Friedrich, Guo, Hallmark, Herbst, Hirsh, Hmelo-Silver, Jackson, Jesse, Kirschner, Laguna-Diaz, Lake, Lashley, Lee, Mangin, Marsh, McKeever, Miller, Oren, Ozbay, Phillips, Rabii, Rabiner, Schock, Sherman, R. Simmons, H. Smith, N. Smith, Tuckman, Turpin, Wang, Winterbauer

ABSENT:  Bilodeau, Blimling, Bodnar, Boikess, Bravo, Breton, Butler, Cannon, Chambers, Chernin, Chism, Colin, K. Cooper, Cronk, Dellane, Desposito, Diamond, Donsky, Ezendokwere, Farney, Ferguson, Hanna, Hodgson, Holmes, Hoover, Hughes, Hyndman, Jessen, V. Johnson, W. Johnson, J. Jones, Klein, Leontiades, Leustek, Maher, Manhoff, Messer, More, Nerurkar, Ogwu, Perlman, Raja, Shahrokh, Simon, Solomon, Spellmeyer, Spero, Stark, Stauffer, Tinglin, Tsurumi, Whang, Worrall

ATTENDANCE  SUMMARY:  Faculty:  Of 93 total:  41 present (44%), 28 excused (30%), 24 absent (26%); Students:  Of 56 total:  30 present (54%),
10 excused (18%), 16 absent (28%); Administrators:  Of 37 total:  14 present (38%), 12 excused (32%), 11absent (30%); Alumni:  Of 6 total:  4 present (67%),
0 excused, 2 absent (33%)
View Senate attendance record for this year.


PRESIDING OFFICER:  Martha Cotter, Chairperson

CHAIRPERSON’S REPORT:  Chairperson Cotter called the meeting to order, and said that her report would be brief in order to accommodate the day’s agenda.  She thanked Newark Provost Diner and the Newark staff for their help in facilitating the Senate meeting, and for directing Senators around the Newark Campus.  She also thanked President McCormick and Provost Diner for allowing a change in the Senate’s usual order of business, which placed the Administrative Report and Newark Campus Report after the Senate’s University Structure and Governance Committee Report on Senate Bylaws Review and Election Procedures for At-Large and PTL/Annual Appointee Senators.

•    Agenda:  The agenda, including time limits, was approved as distributed by the Secretary.
•    Minutes:  Secretary Swalagin noted that he had revised the January Senate minutes to correctly indicate that it was Senator Hall’s suggestion, and not that of Senator Bell, that brought the bylaws document with language changes indicated.  On motion and duly seconded, the Minutes of the January 21, 2005 Senate meeting were approved as distributed by the Secretary.


•    University Structure and Governance Committee (USGC) – Joseph Blasi and Kathleen Scott , Co-chairs - Response to Charges S-0324, Senate Bylaws Review, and S-0320, Election Procedures for At-Large and PTL/Annual Appointee Senators

[This report, which included recommendations for revisions to the Senate’s Bylaws (which comprise the Senate’s enabling University Regulations) had been introduced without action at the November 2004 Senate meeting, and docketed for action at the Senate’s January 2005 meeting.  Quorum was lost at the January 2005 meeting before the Senate acted on this item, so it was docketed on this meeting’s agenda.]

Senator Scott relayed apologies from USGC Co-chair Joseph Blasi, who was unable to attend the meeting.  She then gave a brief, summary introduction to the report, and noted that, because it recommends changes to University Regulations, its result would be transmitted directly to the Board of Governors rather than to President McCormick.  She also noted that the USGC is working on revision of the Senate Handbook’s standing rules and internal procedures, and expected that report to come to the Senate for action soon.

Senator Scott then presented to the Senate the report’s recommendations for changes in the Senate’s Bylaws, which had been grouped for voting into ten categories as enumerated in a guide which had been distributed as hardcopy at the meeting.  A separate document had also been distributed and posted online which detailed specific language changes to the bylaws as contained in University Regulations.  The Senate then acted on each category of recommendations, as follows:
[On Senator Gillett’s point of order, Senator Scott explained an earlier item which had been overlooked in her comments.]
[Chairperson Cotter then thanked Senator Jillian Curtis for acting as Senate Parliamentarian, substituting for Senator Nicole Smith, who was unable to attend the meeting.]

ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT:  President McCormick’s Administrative report included comments on the following: A question-and-answer period followed, which included comments/questions on:
NEWARK CAMPUS REPORT:  Newark Provost Steven Diner presented the Newark Campus Report.  The report is available online, and is attached to the master copy of these minutes as Attachment A.  Main areas addressed in the report included:
A question-and-answer period followed, during which comments/questions were heard on the following topics:
OLD BUSINESS:  There was no old business.


Senator Hall asked that rail-transportation alternatives be explored to supplement or replace the roundtrip bus currently made available from New Brunswick to Senate meetings held on the Newark and Camden campuses.

Senator Dupersoy proposed utilizing students as ambassadors to promote awareness of research at Rutgers.

  Vice Chairperson Rabinowitz reported on the January 7, 2005 and February 4, 2005 Senate Executive Committee meetings.  Executive Committee minutes are available on the Senate website.

  Senator Leath, Faculty Representative to the Board of Governors, reported on the December 2, 2004 and February 10, 2005 Board of Governors meetings.  Senator Vodak, Faculty Representative to the Board of Trustees, reported on the December 16, 2004 Board of Trustees meeting.

REPORT OF CAMPUS FACULTY LIAISONS:  Senator Leath, a member of the New Brunswick Faculty Council (NBFC), reported on recent and planned activities of the NBFC.  The next meeting of the NBFC is scheduled for March 4, 2005 at 1:30 p.m. in Winants Hall on the College Avenue Campus.

Chairperson Cotter thanked Senator Leath and Executive Vice President for Administrative Affairs Kavanagh for their work implementing recent improvements in Rutgers’ Travel and Business Expense Report policies.

ADJOURNMENT:  The meeting adjourned at 3:40 p.m.

Kenneth Swalagin
Executive Secretary of the University Senate