MINUTES: Regular Meeting of the University Senate

DATE: April 30, 2010

TIME AND PLACE: 1:10 p.m., Multipurpose Room, Rutgers Student Center, 126 College Avenue, College Avenue Campus, New Brunswick

MEMBERS PRESENT: Barnett, Beachem, Bhuyan, Bodnar, Boikess, Borisovets, Boylan, Bubb, Bumby, Caprio, Ciklamini, B. Cooper, Cotter, Creese, David, Del Rosario, Dholandas, Dighton, Dougherty, Dutta, Ellis, Figueira, Fishbein, Foresta, Furmanski, Gabriel, Gao, Gillett, Gomes, Roe Goodman, Gould, Grant, Graziosi, Greenhut, Gursoy, Hall, Heckscher, Hicks, Hmelo-Silver, Hudson, Hughes, Janes, Jerome-DeMilia, Jimenez, Kalelkar, Kaplan, Katz, Kerkhof, Lawton, Levine, Levinson, Loftus, Luo, Markert, Markowitz, McArdle, Messer, Minsky, Morton, Muse, Niederman, Nolfi, Norville, Nycz, Panayotatos, Pavlik, Pinchuk, Plummer, Rabinowitz, Rhee, Rodgers, H. Roth, Sabo, Sass, Schorr, Schurman, Shah, Sharp, Sheflin, Simmons, Sivco, Smith, Soukup, Spiegel, G. Stein, Szatrowski, K. Thompson, Tittler, Traxler, Tu, Violette, Vodak, Wagner, Wang, Weiss, Wilson, Winterbauer, Wyhopen, Zimmerman

Blumenthal, Burrell, Carr, M. Cooper, DeLisi, Edwards, Fehn, Gada, Gaunt, Robert Goodman, Gunkel, Hoffman, Hyndman, Kukor, Leath, Lynch, Marsh, McCormick, Mojaddedi, Murray, Oliver, Papathomas, Perrone, Rudman, Schantz, Schnetzer, Thomas, F. Thompson, Toney-Boss, Tumer, Wu, Yeagle, Yu

Abercrombie, Adam, Agarwal, Akincigil, Ahmed, Alphonse, Amirahmadi, Atkins, Barone, Buch, Clear, Cosandey, Cowen, Davidson, Diamond, Diner, Farag, Farmer, Farris, Figueroa, Finegold, Fraser, Garcia, Goldman, Greenberg, Guo, Hanebrink, Heydt, Holzemer, Holzer, Kanj, Kaufman-Scarborough, Kim, Kloubucista, Kornmehl, Kowler, Kurtz,  Leonard, Lewis, Lintakoon, Ludescher, Matsuda, McKeever, McLean, Miller, Molloy, Oyekoya, Pande, Patel, Pilotte, Piotrowicz, Polack, Pritchett, Reed, G. Roth, Rudrapatna, Sahi, Schement, Simon, Slavin, Solomon, Soomro, Spath, Stauffer, J. Stein, Stewart, Tansey, Tomassone, Waller, White

ATTENDANCE SUMMARY: Faculty: Of 97 total: 63 present (65%), 12 excused (12%), 22 absent (23%); Students: Of 48 total: 18 present (38%), 5 excused (10%), 25 absent (52%); Administrators: Of 41 total: 7 present (17%), 13 excused (32%), 21 absent (51%); Alumni: Of 6 total: 4 present (67%), 0 excused, 2 absent (33%); Staff: Of 10 total: 7 present (70%), 3 excused (30%), 0 absent 

View Senate Attendance Record for this year

PRESIDING OFFICER: Samuel Rabinowitz, Chairperson

CALL TO ORDER, DETERMINATION OF A QUORUM, AND CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT - Samuel Rabinowitz, Senate Chairperson: Chairperson Rabinowitz called the meeting to order at 2:23 p.m., following a brief recess called after adjournment of the 2010-2011 Senate's Organizational Meeting. He reflected briefly on his past three years as Senate chairperson, his prior years as vice chair, as well as his prior 20-some years as a Senator. He thanked Ken Swalagin, Linda Mickelsen, Victor Greenhut for serving as parliamentarian, Martha Cotter for serving as acting vice chair, all of the Executive Committee members and committee chairs, and Kevin Wild in particular for co-chairing the Student Affairs Committee with him.

Victor Greenhut went to the podium to acknowledge and Honor Rabinowitz's performance of the duties of Senate chairperson, noting that Rabinowitz acted with "grace and panache" in his three years as chair. Rabinowitz received a standing ovation from the Senate.

REPORT OF THE SECRETARY - Ken Swalagin, Executive Secretary of the Senate:
ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT - Philip Furmanski, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs

Vice President Furmanski presented an administrative report, which included comments on topics including:
Furmanski then responded to questions or comments on subjects including:

Academic Standards, Regulations and Admissions Committee Response to Charge S-1003, Fall 2010 Academic Calendar - Martha Cotter and Dan Schantz, ASRAC Co-chairs: Academic Standards, Regulations and Admissions Committee (ASRAC) Co-chair Martha Cotter presented and summarized her committee's report and recommendations on Charge S-1003, on the Fall 2010 Academic Calendar. Cotter accepted as friendly Senator Panayotatos's motion to amend one of the recommendations to require the administration to "persuade the Executive Committee" that the proposed calendar changes could not be made, if that were the finding of the administration. The report and recommendations were then discussed, and adopted unanimously by the Senate. Chairperson Rabinowitz pointed out that the Senate Executive Committee would meet on June 4, and could act on behalf of the Senate if necessary. On card vote, the report and its recommendations were adopted by the Senate with none opposed. [Note: The above link goes to the report as amended and adopted by the Senate.]

Academic Standards, Regulations and Admissions Committee Response to Charge S-0905, Academic Integrity Policy - Martha Cotter and Dan Schantz, ASRAC Co-chairs: ASRAC Co-chair Martha Cotter presented and summarized her committee's report and recommendations on Charge S-0905, on the Academic Integrity Policy. She explained that there will not be an approved, permanent policy available to go into effect by September, and that the interim policy's sunset date of August 31, 2010 requires that the interim policy be extended, and that the ASRAC was therefore proposing that the interim policy be made effective for one more year. On card vote, the Senate adopted the report and its recommendation.

Student Affairs Committee Response to Charge S-0910, Accessibility of Student Services - Sam Rabinowitz and Kevin Wild, SAC Co-chairs: Acting Vice Chair Cotter assumed the chair while Chairperson Rabinowitz and Kevin Wild, Student Affairs Committee co-chairs, were at the podium presenting their committee's report and recommendations on Charge S-0910, on Accessibility of Services for Disabled Students. Rabinowitz summarized the report, and read the recommendations. Without further discussion, the report and its recommendations were adopted unanimously by the Senate.

University Structure and Governance Committee Response to Charge S-0904, Assessment of Research, and Graduate and Professional Education Committee Standing Charge - Peter Gillett and Jon Oliver, USGC Co-chairs: The recommendations in this report include a change to Senate Bylaws/University Regulations. In accordance with established parliamentary procedure, this report was introduced at the March 2010 Senate meeting, and was docketed for Senate action at this meeting. Peter Gillett, University Structure and Governance Committee co-chair, moved for adoption of his committee's response to Charge S-0902, on Assessment of the Research, and Graduate and Professional Education Committee's Standing Charge. Gillett pointed out that the Senate had previously modified the resolution at the end of the report to replace "the individuals" with "those" but that the change was not accurately reflected in the report as docketed today. The report and and its recommendations were adopted by the Senate.

Senator Panayotatos moved to table to October 2010 the University Structure and Governance Committee Response to Charge S-0902, Senate Speakers, Discussions, Forums. Senator Nycz seconded the motion, which was then adopted by the Senate.

OLD BUSINESS: There was no old business.

NEW BUSINESS: There was no new business.

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORT: Acting Vice Chairperson Cotter reported on the April 9, 2010 Executive Committee Meeting.

REPORTS OF THE REPRESENTATIVES TO THE BOARDS OF GOVERNORS AND TRUSTEES: Senator Menahem Spiegel, faculty representative to the Board of Trustees, reported on the previous day's Board of Trustees meeting. Senator Cotter, faculty representative to the Board of Governors, reported on the April 15 Board of Governors meeting

CAMPUS FACULTY LIAISON REPORTS: Senator Robert Wilson, chair of the New Brunswick Faculty Council, reported on that groups plans and activities. Sam Rabinowitz reported that Jaishankar Ganesh had been appointed as the new dean of the School of Business-Camden.

ANNOUNCEMENT OF ELECTION RESULTS: Secretary Swalagin then announced the 2010-11 Senate Leadership and Board Representatives election results.

ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 3:53 p.m.

Kenneth Swalagin
Executive Secretary of the University Senate