MINUTES:  Regular Meeting of the University Senate

DATE:  October 19, 2001

TIME AND PLACE:  1:10 p.m., Multipurpose Room, Rutgers Student Center, 126 College Avenue, College Avenue Campus

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Albers, Antwi, Asaytuno, Baldi, Barone, Bathory, Bell, Berz, Bhandari, Bittner, Blasi, Boikess, Borisovets, Boylan, Bronzan, Bry, Butwinski, Caprio, Cohen, Colaizzi, Cooper, Cotter, Cowley, Daniels, Darien, Davidson, DeCarlo, E. Dennis, R. Dennis, DeRosa, Dimond, Diner, Domb, Duncan, Elovitz, Esser, Evans, Falk, Flanagan, Forman, Friedrich, Gary, Gaunt, Gillis, Hall, Hamm, Hirsh, Hornichter, Hughes, Jesse, Karel, Kauffman, Kennedy, Kenney, Keoskey, Kokini, Krueckeberg, Laguna-Diaz, Laurente, Lawrence, Leath, Lee, Markowitz, Marsh, Maudlin, Maw, McKay, McKeever, Messer, G. Miller, J. Miller, Millican, Naus, Nordstrom, O’Connor, Oren, Panayotatos, Pellegrine, Penfield, Perr, Pottick, Puniello, Quinn, Rabinowitz, Ramsay, Rijhsinghani, Rohr, Ros, Roth, Saidel, Samuels, Saniefard, Schlegel, Scott, Seneca, Silver, P. Simmons, Sims, Slawsky, Smith, D. Snyder, P. Snyder, Spencer, Stein, Swenson, Szatrowski, Tallau, Theodossiou, Toledo, Tripolitis, Varma, Wadia, Walker-Andrews, Wallenstein, Wasserman, Webb, Wilkinson, Winterbauer, Wozniak, Wyly, Zaveri

EXCUSED:  Adelson, Bay, Bossard, Deutsch, Driscoll, Gossy, Griffith, Habib, Hara, Haugerud, Hawkesworth, Hillman, Jackson, Jessen, Kenfield, Lang, Leontiades, Li, Manhoff, Martinez-Fernandez, Mills, Nagarajan, Paris, Seplaki, R. Simmons, Solomon, Stamato, Strom, Vodak

ABSENT:  Boucher, Breton, Bushnell, Chopra, Cizewski, Darkenwald, Diamond, Fechter, Felson, Franklin, Gross, Hyndman, Jones, Keating, Kirschner, Klein, LaPadula, Lehman, Mandau, Maradonna, Matsuda, Metzidakis, Perlman, Pieczenik, Plummer, Rosen, Stauffer, Sullivan, Tuckman, Vershon, Zaborszky, Zylstra

ATTENDANCE SUMMARY:  Faculty: Of 88 total: 55 present (63%), 18 excused (20%), 15 absent (17%)
Students: Of 49 total: 36 present (74%), 4 excused (8%), 9 absent (18%)
Administrators: Of 39 total: 26 present (67%), 6 excused (15%), 7 absent (18%)
Alumni: Of 6 total: 4 present (66%), 1 excused (17%), 1 absent (17%)
View Senate attendance record for this year



PRESIDING OFFICER:   Kathleen Scott, Chairperson

CHAIRPERSON’S REPORT:  Chairperson Scott welcomed all present, and explained that the day’s proceedings would include an open-forum-type discussion of the proposed College of Applied and Professional Studies (CAPS).  She summarized the background of the CAPS proposal, and asked for feedback on how helpful the Senate finds the forum format.  Chairperson Scott also mentioned that the online list of pending charges to the Senate’s committees has been updated, and asked the Senate to look at the charges, forwarding their comments or suggestions on any of the charges to the committee chair, or to Secretary Swalagin.

REPORT OF THE SECRETARY:  Agenda: On motion and duly seconded, the agenda was approved as distributed. Minutes: On motion and duly seconded, Minutes of the September 21, 2001 Senate Meeting were approved as distributed by the Secretary.
Communications: Communications had been posted online for Senate review, as follows:

ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT:  Chairperson Scott introduced President Lawrence, who took the lectern.  President Lawrence’s Administrative Report included comments on: registration procedures for students who are members of the National Guard, and related legislation which has been introduced; and Commission on Science and Technology grants to researchers at Cook College and the College of Engineering.

At President Lawrence’s request, Michael Quinlan, Director of Radiation and Environmental Health and Safety at Rutgers, spoke about recent anthrax incidents, and related safety issues.

President Lawrence then introduced Professor Clement Price, who gave a presentation on the Capital Campaign, of which Dr. Price is University Chair.

OPEN-FORUM DISCUSSION ON PROPOSAL TO ESTABLISH RUTGERS UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF APPLIED AND PROFESSIONNAL STUDIES (CAPS):  Chairperson Scott summarized the process for the day’s discussion of CAPS.  She explained that, since it was not docketed as an action item, no motions would be in order.  She said that the Senate would move into committee of the whole for the discussion, which offers a less-formal forum, and that Senate’s comments today would help shape the report of the Senate’s University Structure and Governance Committee, which would come to the Senate soon.  After giving the rules of speaking for the forum, Chairperson Scott recognized Senator Natalie Borisovets, who moved the Senate into committee of the whole.  On motion and duly seconded, on voice vote, the Senate entered committee of the whole.

A lengthy discussion of the CAPS Proposal and committee report followed, during which 19 Senators, including students, faculty, and administrators, spoke on the issues.  Discussion completed, Senator Borisovets moved that the committee rise. The motion was seconded and approved on voice vote, and the proceedings in committee of the whole were thus concluded.

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORT:  Vice Chair Rabinowitz reported on the October 5, 2001 Senate Executive Committee meeting []. Executive Committee minutes are available on the Senate website.

Senator Jason Miller reported on the October 2001 Board of Governors meeting. Senator Kim Wozniak reported on the October 2001 Board of Trustees meeting.

REPORT OF CAMPUS FACULTY LIAISON:  Senator Martha Cotter reported on plans and recent activities of the New Brunswick Faculty Council.

ADJOURNMENT:  There being no further business before the University Senate, Chairperson Scott declared the meeting adjourned at 3:42 p.m.

Kenneth Swalagin
Secretary of the University Senate