February 8, 2008
MEMBERS PRESENT:  Adam, Becker, Bodnar, Borisovets, Cooke, Cotter, Greenhut, Gould, Leath (Vice Chair), McCall, Puniello, Rabinowitz (Chair), Stein, Swalagin (Executive Secretary)
The regular meeting of the University Senate Executive Committee was held on Friday, February 8, 2008 at 1:10 p.m. in the Executive Board Room of  Administrative Services Building-III, Cook Campus.
1.         Chairperson’s Report
Senate and Executive Committee Chairperson Samuel Rabinowitz called the meeting to order at 1:17 p.m. He said that all members of the Executive Committee had been invited to participate in a March 11 Middle States reaccreditation session on governance issues. Rabinowitz will serve as host convener of the session. He also spoke briefly about moderating the recent public forum on the stadium expansion.
2.         Executive Secretary’s Report
Agenda: The meeting agenda was approved as distributed by the executive secretary.
Minutes: The Minutes of January 11, 2008 Senate Executive Committee meeting were approved as distributed by the executive secretary.

3.         Administrative Report
Neither President McCormick nor Executive Vice President Furmanski was able to attend the meeting. There was no administrative report.

4.         Standing Committees
Committee Charges

Student Affairs Committee Review of Collegians for a Constructive Tomorrow Concept Plan: The concept plan discussed under "Secretary's Communications" above will be referred for preliminary discussion to the Student Affairs Committee. A formal charge may be issued when the submission of supporting documentation (e.g., proof of audits) is received from the organization.

Charge Deadline Extensions: The reporting deadline for Budget and Finance Committee (BFC) charge S-0709, on Intercampus Shuttle Service, was extended to April 2008, as requested by BFC Chair Menahem Spiegel. The reporting deadline for Faculty Affairs and Personnel Committee (FAPC) charge S-0705, on Contingent Faculty Proposal, was extended to April 2008, as requested by FAPC Co-chair Ann Gould.

University Structure and Governance Committee (USGC) Charges Update: Ryan Cooke, EC and USGC member, summarized the status of all charges pending in the USGC.

5.    Nomination of Faculty for University Copyright Policy Advisory Committee: Linda Schulze, Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs, had requested nominations of six to ten faculty members to serve on the University Copyright Policy Advisory Committee. The committee will "advise the Vice President for Research, as appropriate, on interpretation and enforcement of the [copyright] policy, amendments to this policy, the resolution of disputes on copyright matters including ownership, and other matters." The EC nominated faculty for membership on that committee, and Francoise Puniello will consult her library colleagues and forward additional names to Ken Swalagin, who will forward the full list to Linda Schulze.

6.         January 22, 2008 Senate Meeting Agenda
Items for the February Senate meeting agenda. In addition to the regular reports, the following specific items were docketed:
7.         Old Business
Martha Cotter updated the committee on the activities of the ad hoc, joint Senate Academic Standards, Regulations and Admissions Committee (ASRAC) and McCabe Committee on the academic integrity policy. She said that the joint committee had met, and that EVP Furmanski had requested ASRAC and Senate approval of an interim acdemic integrity policy by the end of this academic year. A committee headed by Mark Schuster and Mary Beth Daisey is currently drafting the interim policy, which will include a portion drafted by Cotter. The draft, when completed, should go to the ad hoc committee, then to ASRAC, then to the Senate. Cotter said extra ASRAC meetings may be required to complete the review, and that the ASRAC will attempt to have a report for the April 2008 Senate meeting, which report is expected to include recommendations on how to set up a committee to refine a permanent policy, with particular attention paid to how to address separable and nonseparable offenses. Jonathan Becker said that the Student Affairs Committee, the Student Caucus, and Camden Law students have discussed the interim policy and agree that it should expire at a stated, specific time rather than being "indefinitely interim."

8.         New Business
There was brief discussion of standards for high and highest honors.
9.         Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 2:58 p.m.
Kenneth Swalagin
Executive Secretary of the University Senate