M I  N U  T E S

November 16, 2001

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Borisovets, Barone, Hirsh, Leath, Manhoff, Rabinowitz (Vice Chair), Saniefard,  Scott (Chair), Sims, Swalagin (Executive Secretary)

ALSO ATTENDING: Lawrence (Administrative Liaison), Jason Miller (Student BOG Representative), Seneca (Administrative Liaison), Winterbauer (Vice President for University Budgeting), Wozniak (Undergraduate Student BOT Representative)

The regular meeting of the University Senate Executive Committee was held on Friday, November 16, 2000 at 1:10 p.m. in the President’s Dining Room, Brower Commons, College Avenue Campus, the Chair and Secretary being present.

1. Chairperson’s Report

Chairperson Scott called the meeting to order, and moved immediately to the Secretary’s Report.

2. Secretary's Report

Minutes:  Minutes of the October 5, 2001 Executive Committee meeting were approved as distributed by the Secretary.

Communications:  The following communications were presented and acted upon as noted:

· Memorandum from Joseph J. Seneca, University Vice President for Academic Affairs, dated October 29, 2001, regarding the Senate’s Resolution on FASIP Disclosure.  [Noted, and discussed under Old Business.]  []
· E-mail from Senator John Gillis to Kathleen Scott, dated October 30, 2001, requesting information on policy guidelines for use of administrative e-mail listserv  [Noted, and discussed under Standing Committee Reports, Potential Charges, and Requests for Information.]
· E-mail from Senator Clint Daniels, dated October 30, 2001, asking if a copy of the Facilities Master Plan for Livingston Campus is “available to the general student body for review and comments.  President Lawrence said that the Facilities Master Plan is still being put together, and will come to the Senate for review and comment when it is completed.
· Report of the Equal Opportunity Committee, sent via e-mail dated October 17, 2001, on the Equal Marriage Resolution.  [Noted, and discussed under Standing Committee Reports.  Docketed for November 30, 2001 Senate.]  []
· E-mail from graduate student Charlotte Wood to Kathleen Scott, Samuel Rabinowitz, and Liza Saniefard, dated November 15, 2001, requesting changes to the Equal Opportunity Committee’s Resolution on the Equal Marriage Resolution.  [Discussed under Standing Committee Reports.]
3. Administrative Report

President Francis Lawrence presented the administrative report, which included comments on:  recent fundraising activities; grants and gifts, including a $5 million grant to EOHSI, and a $5 million naming gift to be announced at the upcoming Board of Governors meeting; progress of the Capital Campaign; and continuing donations to the World Trade Center Scholarship Fund.  President Lawrence also gave the Executive Committee, for Senate-committee review and recommendations, a package of materials for a program called “Get Off Your Butts,” the goal of which is to ban cigarette sales on campus.

University Vice President for Academic Affairs Joseph Seneca spoke about the Rutgers University Press, particularly in relation to its publication of the currently in-demand book by Rutgers Professor Angus Gillespie on the World Trade Center, entitled “Twin Towers.”

Vice President for University Budgeting Nancy Winterbauer spoke about steps which have been taken to ensure continuation of admissions processes during actual and/or potential mail interruptions.

4. Standing Committee Reports, Potential Charges, and Requests for Information

Report on Endorsement of Equal Marriage Resolution, Equal Opportunity Committee, Liza Saniefard and Pheroze Wadia, Co-chairs.  Senator Saniefard, Equal Opportunity Committee Co-chair and Executive Committee Liaison, presented her committee’s report on Endorsement of the Equal Marriage Resolution.  The e-mailed request for wording changes received from Charlotte Wood, graduate student, was discussed and rejected.  Ms. Wood had asked that the EOC resolution be reworded to conform with a Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund resolution, but it was felt that such rewording would cause the EOC resolution to fall outside of the Senate’s jurisdiction of advising the Rutgers University administration.  Ms. Wood’s proposal was not accepted, and the EOC Report and Resolution were docketed as presented for action at the November 30, 2001 Senate meeting.

Senator Bell’s request for information regarding how Summer Session revenues are distributed was discussed.  Chairperson Scott will ask Senator Bell for more details on the question, and will bring the issue back to the Executive Committee in January.

A list of potential action areas submitted by Senator Hamm, Co-chair of the Budget and Finance Committee, was considered.  The Executive Committee agreed that all the areas fall within the Budget and Finance Committee’s standing charge.  The areas listed were:  safety issues, access to recreational space, parking and transportation, facilities master plan review, enrollment trends and how to manage, potential budget cuts and budgets, and investment policy.  Committee Co-chairs Hamm and Szatrowski will be asked if there are any specific charges they would like issued to their committee.

Senator Hirsh suggested that the Budget and Finance Committee look into improving coordination between train and bus schedules, as well as parking (particularly commuter-lot) policies, class-period schedules, and other campus functions.  Chairperson Scott and Secretary Swalagin will consult with Budget and Finance Committee co-chairs and draft a charge to that committee on this issue for Executive Committee consideration in January.

The deadline on Budget and Finance Committee charge S-0111, “Examine and report on tuition and fee increases at other public AAU institutions…” was extended to February 1, 2002.  Vice President Seneca suggested that the data for the report could come from Institutional Planning.

The committee considered Senator Gillis’s question regarding what policies are in place for use of administrative e-mail lists.  Secretary Swalagin will research what policies are in place, and will report back to the Executive Committee.  A committee charge may be formulated in January on specific aspects of administrative e-mail, including:  which lists exist, who is on those lists, and guidelines for use of each list.

5.  Old Business

Status of College of Applied and Professional Studies (CAPS) Proposal:  Chairperson Scott reported on University Structure and Governance Committee (USGC) (of which she is also co-chair) action on, and consideration of, the CAPS proposal and committee report.  She said that the committee is not reviewing the proposal, which is being revised, and that the committee has not yet come to any conclusions regarding the general concept.  Vice Chairperson Rabinowitz, a member of the CAPS Advisory Committee, said that many changes have been made to the proposal.  Chairperson Scott said that the USGC has acted on New Brunswick Faculty Council’s report and points on CAPS, and that USGC’s draft comments will be forwarded to the CAPS Advisory Committee.

Student Financial Management and Credit Card Debt:  Chairperson Scott said Dean Marie Logue, who was to have chaired the University committee charged with developing a university-wide policy on credit-card solicitations on campus, had withdrawn from the committee due to extensive, other commitments.  Chairperson Scott will follow up on this issue and report to the Executive Committee again in January.

Disclosure of FASIP Awards:  The committee discussed University Vice President Seneca’s memorandum in which he states, “…that the Administration has notified Provosts, Deans and the University Librarian of the Senate’s Resolution on the Disclosure of FASIP Awards.  We have requested that they communicate this resolution to their departments and faculty.”

Wintersession:  University Vice President Seneca reported on changes and enhancements to the pilot Wintersession program, which is continuing.  Dr. Seneca will forward the Senate’s recommendations on Wintersession to the Newark and Camden provosts and ask them to implement those recommendations on their campuses as well.

6. New Business

Vice President for University Budgeting Nancy Winterbauer spoke about a Rutgers program proposed to offer students admission to a community college, and thereafter to Rutgers as a transfer student after completing an associate’s degree, with the proviso that the students must take certain courses and maintain a predetermined average.

Dr. Winterbauer also asked if a resolution could be brought to the Senate at the November meeting which would support two pending bills on the issue of tuition support for students who are members of the National Guard.  The Executive Committee agreed that such a resolution could be brought on short notice, from the Executive Committee (EC) and/or the Student Affairs Committee (SAC).  Dr. Winterbauer will draft a resolution to be circulated to the EC and SAC for possible presentation at the November 30 Senate meeting.

7.  Senate Meeting Agenda

The following items were docketed for the November 30, 2001 meeting agenda:

· Camden and Newark Campus Reports
· Equal Opportunity Committee report on Endorsement of the Equal Marriage Resolution
· (Possible) Joint Student Affairs/Executive Committees resolution on state tuition support for students who are members of the National Guard
7. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 2:55 p.m. by Chairperson Scott.

Kenneth Swalagin
Executive Secretary of the Senate