Executive Committee


March 7, 2008 - 1:10 p.m.

1.    Chairpersons' Report

2.    Secretary’s Report
3.    Administrative Liaison - Executive Vice President Philip Furmanski

4.    Standing Committees

Proposed Committee Charges

Charge to Student Affairs Committee (SAC) on special student organization "Collegians for a Constructive Tomorrow" concept plan, submitted in support of a proposed referendum for fall 2008. Determine whether the submitted documentation on the national organization's financial audit satisfies the required "proof of audits" required by the current referendum guideline, and, if it does, determine whether the concept plan demonstrates educational value in the Collegians for a Constructive Tomorrow programs. Respond by April 2, 2008. [Note: This charge was discussed by the EC in February, but the requisite audit documentation had not been received at that time.]

From Gayle Stein:

Proposed Charge to Budget and Finance Committee: Investigate and make recommendations on communication processes used  to inform students, faculty, and staff about what to do in various  emergency situations. These situations may include bomb threats,  fires, chemical spills, and individuals with weapons.

Proposed Charge to Faculty Affairs and Personnel Committee: Investigate and make recommendations on communication processes used  to inform full time and part time faculty and staff about how to address potential psychological problems with individuals around them. These situations may include potential suicides and substance abuse.

Proposed Charge to Instruction, Curricula and Advising Committee: Examine how the university might take better advantage of its partnership with the NJEDge.Net organization, including its  involvement with statewide site licenses, network and telephone service agreements, videoconferencing among state institutions, and  research support.

From Jonathan Becker:

Proposed Committee Charge (Student Affairs Committee?): Determine if the US Food and Drug Administration's practice of barring blood donations by men who have sex with men is a discriminatory practice that violates Rutgers' nondiscrimination policies. If the discriminatory practice does violate, explore and propose options by which Rutgers' administration may address the discrimination and policy violation, up to and including an outright ban on blood drives.

Text of Senator Becker's message suggesting the charge: "San Jose State University has banned on-campus blood drives because of an FDA policy that violates the school's equal protection policy.  I would like to request the Senate to determine if the FDA's practice of barring donations by men who have sex with men is a discriminatory practice that violates the equal protection policies of Rutgers University. If the discriminatory practice does violate, then I'd like the Senate to explore and propose options for the Rutgers Administration, up to and including an outright ban on blood drives. The injured parties here are men who have sex with men, who unaware of the policy, are publically humiliated and socially ostracized by the FDA's policies."

5.    Selection of Nominating Panel Members for Election of 2008-09 Senate Officers, Executive Committee Members, and Board Representatives

6.    March 28, 2008 Senate Meeting Agenda

Carried from Cancelled February 22 meeting:

7.    Old Business

8.    New Business

9.    Adjournment