Executive Committee


April 11, 2014 - 1:10 p.m.

1.    Chairperson's Report

2.    Secretary’s Report 3.    Administrative Report  - Robert Barchi, University President

4.    Standing Committees/Panels

Nominating Panel Report - Ken Swalagin will summarize the Senate-leadership and board-representation election process, to date.

Committee Reports

Student Affairs Committee (SAC) Response to Charge S-1210 on Early-Open Study Space [Link not yet active. Report expected soon. SAC Co-chair Sam Rabinowitz and/or SAC member Joseph Cashin will summarize the report, which should be finalized before the upcoming Senate meeting.] - The SAC has been charged as follows:

Early-Open Study Space: Determine the interest in, and feasibility of, a study area on each campus opening early (5:00 a.m.) for commuter students.

Faculty and Personnel Affairs Committee (FPAC) 
Response to Charge S-1012A on Balance of Full-time and Part-time Faculty Teaching [Currently in DRAFT form.] and Table of Fall 2012 Courses Taught in the SAS-NB  - FPAC member Karen Thompson may be able to summarize this report. The FPAC has been charged as follows:

Balance of Full-time and Part-time Faculty Teaching: Consider the 1999 Report on the Balance of Full-time and Part-time Faculty Teaching at Rutgers University, and, with updated numbers and charts from the Office of Academic Affairs, make recommendations concerning changing trends and shifting percentages.  [Note: Data received from the administration on this issue in 2010 were updated but incomplete. The request for updated information was renewed in March 2012.]

Faculty and Personnel Affairs Committee (FPAC) 
Response to Charge S-1212 on Definition of "Faculty" in University Policies [Currently in DRAFT form.] FPAC member Karen Thompson may be able to summarize this report. - The FPAC has been charged as follows:

Definition of "Faculty" in University Policies:  Investigate whether there is a need for a definition of "faculty" to be used in University Policies. If so, develop a definition of "faculty" to be incorporated into those policies.

Issues/Proposed Charges:

Discussion and Potential Charge to Committee on Budget Transparency  - Submitted by Samuel Berman

The following issue was discussed at the March 7 Executive Committee, at which Senator Spiegel, Chair of the Budget and Finance Committee, said he would like to wait to see what relevant results may come from recent Budget and Finance Committee reports. The Executive Committee agreed this should come back on the docket for today's meeting.

From the March agenda: Senator Berman has requested “a discussion of budget transparency and ways to improve the Budget and Finance Committee's ability to effectively answer its standing charges with respect to the same (including, potentially, a new standing charge or changes to current standing charges, requiring the creation of a budget-in-brief type document in cooperation with University Administration).”

Proposed Issue on Nursing Merger Proposal Process, and Possible Appeal - Submitted by Bob Boikess

Determine whether there may have been violations of University Regulation 50.2.2A and B with respect to the various reorganizations of Nursing on the various campuses. In the event that the EC finds that there may have been such violations, formulate an appeal as defined in 50.2.2B2, with the help of University Counsel if necessary.

Proposed Issue on Senate Role in Advisory Council for University Retirees - Submitted by Bob Boikess

Consider whether there is any appropriate role for the Senate related to the Advisory Council for University retirees. (Correspondence from former Dean Dorothy DeMaio previously sent to Ann [Gould]) Here is an excerpt from that correspondence:

"In January 2012, Dick McCormick constituted an Advisory Council charged to assist the administration in creating a university-wide infrastructure for faculty and staff retirees. At today's Advisory Council meeting, I again suggested that since the Senate is the only Rutgers organization that has faculty representation from all campuses we should touch base with the Senate. All present thought it was an excellent idea. Rather than take no action I volunteered to reach out to find the Senate person that I should contact to pursue this issue. It is my sense that the Senate should be informed/consulted if you think it is appropriate."

[Issue may be resolved. See related News Article.] Proposed Issue and Resolution Regarding Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh - Submitted by Andrea Parente, United Students Against Sweatshops

When asked for a rationale for this submission, Ms. Parente responded with the following: "

“This past April, the Rana Plaza Factory collapse in Bangladesh killed over 1,000 workers. This event was not isolated as a number of factory collapses and fires have occurred due to international corporations failing to invest sufficiently in these factories. In response to the Rana Plaza collapse, over 100 corporations throughout the international community including H&M and Abercrombie and Fitch have signed on to the Bangladesh Accord on Fire and Building safety. This accord, in short, holds signatories accountable and commits them to investing in Bangladesh factories. Despite the corporations who have signed on to the accord, a number of corporations are refusing to do so, many of which Universities across the country are licensed with. In response, students across the country are asking their administrations to amend their Code of Conducts requiring all licensees disclosed to source to Bangladesh as of January 2013 to sign on to the Accord. Ten universities have already done so including Columbia University, Cornell, University of Pennsylvania, and NYU. As part of USAS's campaign to amend the Rutgers Code of Conduct, we have met with President Barchi asking him to do so. President Barchi responded that he will not take any action until he has the Senate's approval. I am now introducing this resolution to Senate in response to President Barchi's request that we do so.”
Charge-Deadline Extensions:
5.    [At approximately 2:45, when Joanne Robinson arrives.] Proposal for Union of Nursing Programs and Personnel on the Stratford Campus of the Legacy UMDNJ School of Nursing with the Rutgers School of Nursing - Camden - Sent by Joanne Robinson, Dean of the Rutgers School of Nursing - Camden

Dean Robinson's March 31, 2014 email to Ann Gould and Ken Swalagin stated: 

“Attached is a formal proposal for the union of nursing programs and personnel on the Stratford campus of the legacy UMDNJ School of Nursing with the Rutgers School of Nursing - Camden.  Following the process for merging the two Rutgers Newark-based schools of nursing, we request review and consideration by the University Senate. The proposal has also been submitted to the University's Labor/Management Committee and we are aiming for approval by the University's Board of Governors at their June 2 meeting.  Please advise concerning further information or actions that are needed for review and endorsement by the Senate. Many thanks, Joanne Robinson”

6.    Agenda for May 2, 2014 Senate Meeting
7.    Old Business

8.    New Business

9.    Adjournment