Executive Committee


November 6, 2009 - 1:10 p.m.

1.    Chairpersons' Report

2.    Secretary’s Report 3.    Administrative Liaison 4.    Standing Committees

Committee Reports:

University Structure and Governance Committee REVISED Response to Charge S-0805, Senate Representation by Full-time, Non-tenure-track Faculty - The USGC had been charged as follows:

Charge S-0805 - Senate Representation by Full-time, Non-tenure-track Faculty: Consider the proposal to change eligibility for faculty Senator elections to include full-time, non-tenure-track faculty.

Academic Standards, Regulations and Admissions Committee Response to Charge S-0807, Add/Drop Period [This report is not yet complete. ASRAC Co-chair Martha Cotter requests that it be docketed for Senate action this month, in anticipation of the report's completion and
ASRAC approval early next week.] -
The ASRAC had been charged as follows:

Charge S-0807 - Add/Drop Period: Consider and report on the Proposal on the add/drop period submitted by Senator Candice Greaux, and the related resolution from the Rutgers University Student Assembly. Consult with financial aid personnel at Rutgers when discussing the issues in the proposal and resolution. Respond to Senate Executive Committee by December 2009.

Issues/Proposed Charges:

Proposed Charge or Issue for Discussion on Staff Caucus Recommendations on the Conduct of Senate Elections, sent by the Staff Caucus

Proposed Charge to Faculty and Personnel Affairs Committee on Opportunities for Full-time Staff Who Teach Part-time, sent by Justine Hernandez Levine:

Examine opportunities available to PTLs who are in a bargaining unit that are not available to those who are ineligible (co-adjutants), including internal grants and professional development opportunities. Assess existing mechanisms used to inform PTLs about university academic business to see if they are or can be applied to co-adjutants.

Proposed Charge to Academic Standards, Regulations and Admissions Committee on Merit Scholarship Funding, sent by ASRAC Co-chair Martha Cotter:

Evaluate current and proposed Rutgers policies for the awarding and funding of merit, as opposed to need-based, scholarships for undergraduate students and propose possible changes to those policies. Questions to be addressed should include: What should be the appropriate role for merit scholarships in a public university? Should at least some merit scholarships be funded centrally rather than by individual schools and colleges? Are current and proposed policies for awarding merit scholarships highly effective in attracting outstanding students to Rutgers?

Proposed Charge to Faculty and Personnel Affairs Committee on Application of the "Ten-Year Rule" in Promotions to Full Professor, sent by FPAC Co-chair Paul Panayotatos:

Investigate the application of the "10-year rule" in promotions to Full Professor. In particular, investigate the relative frequency it is being invoked and the resultant success rate. Also assess whether it has accomplished its original goal of providing an alternative basis for promotion for faculty who continue to make significant contributions to the academic and professional mission of the university after achieving tenure, and whose publication record has not kept pace with what was expected of them when tenure was awarded. Propose changes as needed.

5.    December 4, 2009 University Senate Agenda

Request for Senate to Host Academic Integrity Policy Discussion: On behalf of the Ad Hoc Academic Integrity Committee, Martha Cotter requests that the Senate host an open discussion of the Draft Academic Integrity Policy either during or immediately following the regular Senate meeting on December 4 (preferred) or January 29. Non-Senators would be invited to participate in the discussion.

6.    Old Business

7.    New Business

8.    Adjournment