Executive Committee


November 30, 2012 - 1:10 p.m.

1.    Chairpersons' Report

2.    Secretary’s Report 3.    Administrative Liaison 4.    Standing Committees

Issues/Proposed Charges:

Charge Issued to Faculty and Personnel Affairs Committee: As discussed at the previous Executive Committee meeting, the following charge has been issued to the Faculty and Personnel Affairs Committee:

A-0812B Evaluation of Administrators, Part II: Evaluation of Upper Administrators:  Given the potential joint Rutgers-UMDNJ integration and changes in administrative structure, reconsider the process recommended by the University Senate in 2012 for evaluation of upper administrators, including the University President, Chancellors, and the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs.  Respond to the Senate Executive Committee by April 2013.

Proposed Charge on Practice of Dropping Students from Rosters for Non-Payment of Term Bills, submitted by Robert Boikess: I would like us to charge a committee to look into our practice of removing students from the roster if they don't pay their bills on time and charge the committee with making recommendations for change if they think change is warranted. Here is part of what I wrote to Bruce Fehn on the topic. The response I received from his office suggested that the matter is more complicated than I realize.

Proposed Charge on Definition of "Faculty," submitted by Robert Boikess: Investigate how and if  the University's Policies, Procedures, and Regulations define a "faculty member."

5.    Agenda for December 7, 2012 Senate Meeting
6.    Old Business

7.    New Business

8.    Adjournment