Regular Meeting of the University Senate

DATE:                                        May 2, 2008

TIME AND PLACE:                 11:43 a.m., Multipurpose Room, Rutgers Student Center,126 College Avenue, College Avenue Campus

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Allender, Baker, Barone, Becker, Bhuyan, Blimling, Boikess, Borisovets, Boylan, Bubb, Bumby, Busia, Caprio, Chann, Ciklamini, Cohick, Cooke, Coppolo, Cotter, Cowen, Diamond, Dutta, Ellis, L. Fishbein, Fowler, Friedrich, Furmanski, Galili, Gillett, Gonzalez-Palmer, Gould, Grant, Greaux, Greenfeld, Greenhut, Guo, Gutierrez, Hall, Holcomb, Hughes, Jackson, Johnson-Scott, Kalelkar, Kemeny, Kind, Kociol, Kowler, Koza, Laguna-Diaz, Leath, Li, Maddison, Markert, Markowitz, D. Marsh, McCall, McCormick, McKeever, Messer, W. Meyer, Molloy, Ng, Niederman, Nolfi, Norville, Palmon, Prekopa, F. Puniello, O. Puniello, Rabinowitz, J. Robinson, Rockland, Rodgers, Sangiamo, Sass, Schantz, Schein, Schock, Sharp, P. Simmons, Slavin, Spiegel, Stein, Stone, Szatrowski, K. Thompson, Tittler, Tomassone, Traxler, Vitello, Vodak, M. Wagner, Wang, Weinstock-Gallagher, Wild, Winterbauer, Wyhopen, Yares

EXCUSED:  Alger, Ashraf, Bodnar, Buckley, Bynes, Covey, DeLisi, Finegold, Gimenez, Goodman, Graycar, Gunderson, Heckscher, Janes, Kern, Lemieux, Leonard, McCoy-Carter, J. Meyer, Minsky, Oren, Palis, Panayotatos, R. Simmons, Toney-Boss, Van Til, Yeagle

ABSENT:  Adam, Atzbi, Barbarese, Barrett, Butter, Cizewski, Coit, Cooper, Creese, Cruzan, Deutsch, Diner, Edwards, Fishbein, Foley, Gaunt, Gliserman, Goldman, Grant, Greene, Gugig, Habib, Halim, Holzer, Kapoor, Kanj, Keating, Kenfield, Kerkhof, Khan, Klein, Lashley, Lehne, Livingston, Lomiguen, Lopez, Marchetta, Marsh, Mistry, Mulcahy, Mulvey, Nakhaie, Nangle, Patel, Pedersen, Pottick, Rankin, M. Robinson, Shivers, Shmulenson, Smith, Sofer, Solomon, Sosa, Stauffer, Swisher, R. Thompson, Tony, R. Wagner, Williams

ATTENDANCE      Faculty:  Of 86 total:  54 present (63%), 13 excused (15%), 19 absent (22%)
SUMMARY            Students:  Of 53 total: 24 present (45%), 2 excused (4%), 27 absent (51%)
                                 Administrators:  Of 30 total: 11 present (37%), 7 excused (23%), 12 absent (40%)
                                 Alumni:  Of 6 total:  3 present (50%), 2 excused (33%), 1 absent (17%)
                                     Staff:  Of 10 total:  6 present (60%),  3 excused (30%), 1 absent (10%) 
View Senate Attendance Record for this year

PRESIDING OFFICERSamuel Rabinowitz, Chairperson

CALL TO ORDER, DETERMINATION OF A QUORUM, AND CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT - Samuel Rabinowitz, Senate Chairperson: Chairperson Rabinowitz called the meeting to order at 11:43 a.m., immediately following adjournment of the 2008-2009 Senate's Organizational Meeting. He said that it had been an "intriguing year" at Rutgers, and pointed out that Rutgers had come through the Middle States reaccreditation process with excellent result, thanks in large part to considerable participation of Senators and other members of the Rutgers community. Rabinowitz thanked the Senate, Senate Parliamentarian Ryan Cooke, Executive Secretary Ken Swalagin, Assistant Secretary Linda Mickelsen, Vice Chair Paul Leath, Former Chair Martha Cotter, and those members of Rutgers administration who do and will continue to work with the University Senate. He extended his best wishes to all graduating students.

REPORT OF THE SECRETARY - Ken Swalagin, Executive Secretary of the Senate:


[Senate Vice Chair Paul Leath assumed the chair at 11:48 while Chairperson Rabinowitz, who also co-chairs the Student Affairs Committee, presented the following committee report.]

Student Affairs Committee (SAC) on S-0708, Student Charter Trustees and Board of Governors Membership - Maxim Kind and Samuel Rabinowitz, SAC Co-chairs
SAC Co-chairs Maxim Kind and Samuel Rabinowitz presented and summarized their committee's report and recommendations on Charge S-0708, on Student Charter Trustees and Board of Governors Membership. Senator Gillett moved to amend the recommendation to make Student Charter Trustee terms two years long instead of six years long, to a recommendation to change the terms to three years. The motion was seconded, discussed, and defeated on card vote. The report and recommendations were then adopted unanimously by the Senate.

[Chairperson Rabinowitz resumed the chair at 12:04, and declared the Senate in recess. The Senate recessed for lunch, then reconvened at 12:47 p.m.]


CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT, RECAP: Chairperson Rabinowitz recapped the Senate's pre-recess activities.

ANNOUNCEMENT OF ELECTION RESULTS: Secretary Swalagin announced the results of the Election of Senate Officers, Executive Committee Members, and Board Representatives.


Instruction, Curricula and Advising Committee (ICAC) on S-0703, Intersession  - Natalie Borisovets, ICAC Chair
ICAC Chair Natalie Borisovets summarized her committee's report and recommendations on Charge S-0703, on Intersession. She explained several changes that had been made to the report since it was published online with the day's meeting agenda, and which had been distributed in hardcopy at the meeting. The report was discussed, and then adopted by the Senate.

ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT - President Richard L. McCormick 

President McCormick presented an administrative report which included comments on the following topics:
McCormick then responded to questions from the Senate on his administrative report, and on other issues. 


Faculty Affairs and Personnel Committee (FAPC) on S-0705, Contingent Faculty Proposal (Click this link to view the Appendices.) - Ann Gould, Paul Panayotatos, and Paul Leath, FAPC Co-chairs
FAPC Co-chair Ann Gould, after thanking her committee for its work, and co-chair Paul Panayotatos for writing the draft report, presented and summarized the FAPC's report and recommendations on Charge S-0705, on a Contingent Faculty Proposal. Senator Karen Thompson, who co-authored the proposal on which the FAPC's report was based, moved to amend the report's recommendation to ask the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, in addition to informing unit heads that there are academic benefits to merging some PTL lines into full-time appointments, that he also encourage them to do so. The motion was accepted as friendly. The report and its recommendation, as amended, were then adopted by the Senate.

Academic Standards, Regulations and Admissions Committee (ASRAC) Report on Charge S-0408, on the Interim Academic Integrity Policy - Martha Cotter and Margaret Coppolo, ASRAC Co-chairs
ASRAC Co-chairs Martha Cotter and Margaret Coppolo presented and summarized their committee's report on Charge S-0408, on the Interim Academic Integrity Policy. Cotter emphasized that the policy is intended to be interim, for a maximum of two years. She corrected an error in the committee roster at the end of the report, where Senator Bhuyan had been erroneously identified as a student member of the ASRAC (Senator Bhuyan is faculty). Cotter then pointed out the most significant, substantive changes in the proposed interim and current academic integrity policies, then went through the recommendations from the report. The report was discussed at some length, with suggestions, but no motions, for modifications made. On Senator Becker's motion, the question was called, and the Senate adopted the ASRAC's report and Interim Academic Integrity Policy as presented. Cotter extended her thanks to everyone involved in the years-long process of formulating the policy, and creating the accompanying report.

OLD BUSINESS: There was no old business.

NEW BUSINESS: There was no new business.

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORT: Vice Chairperson Paul Leath reported on the April 18, 2008 Senate Executive Committee meeting.

REPORTS OF THE REPRESENTATIVES TO BOARDS OF GOVERNORS AND TRUSTEES:Senator Busia, Faculty Representative to the Board of Trustees, reported on the April 17, 2008 Board of Trustees meeting, which took place in Newark. Senator Cotter, Faculty Representative to the Board of Governors, reported on the February 28 and April 24, 2008 Board of Governors meetings.

CAMPUS FACULTY LIAISON REPORTS: There were no reports from campus faculty liaisons.

ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 2:52 p.m.

Kenneth Swalagin
Executive Secretary of the University Senate