MINUTES                                  Regular Meeting of the University Senate
DATE                                         October 19, 2007
TIME AND PLACE                 1:10 p.m., Multipurpose Room, Camden Campus Center, Camden Campus
MEMBERS PRESENT:  Adam, Adames, Atzbi, Barbarese, Barrett, Becker, Bhuyan, Boikess, Borisovets, Bubb, Bumby, Butter, Bynes, Ciklamini, Cooke, Coppolo, Cotter, DeLisi, Ellis, Fishbein, Furmanski, Gaunt, Gillett, Gould, Greaux, Greenhut, Guo, Halim, Hall, Heckscher, Hyman, Jackson, Johnson-Scott, Kapoor, Kanj, Keating, Kemeny, Khan, Kind, Kociol, Koza, Lemieux, Leonard, Li, Maddison, Markert, Markowitz, Marsh, McCall, McCormick, McCoy-Carter, Mistry, Mulcahy, Nangle, Ng, Nolfi, Norville, Oren, Palis, Palmon, Panayotatos, Patel, F. Puniello, O. Puniello, Rabinowitz, J. Robinson, Sangiamo, Sass, Schantz, Shivers, Slavin, Spiegel, Stein, K. Thompson, Toney-Boss, Tony, Van Til, R. Wagner, Wang, Wild, Winterbauer, Yares
EXCUSED:  Alger, Allender, Barone, Boylan, Busia, Cohick, Coit, Colaizzi, Cooper, Covey, Cowen, Creese, Cruzan, Deutsch, Edwards, Finegold, Fowler, Friedrich, Galili, Gimenez, Gonzalez-Palmer, Goodman, Graycar, Grant, Greenfeld, Gugig, Kalelkar, Kerkhof, Kern, Kowler, Laguna-Diaz, Lashley, Leath, Lehne, Livingston, Lomiguen, Lopez, Marchetta, McKeever, Messer, J. Meyer, W. Meyer, Nakhaie, Niederman, Pottick, Rockland, Rodgers, Schumacher, Shmulenson, P. Simmons, Smith, Sofer, Stone, Swisher, Szatrowski, Tittler, Tomassone, Traxler, Vodak, M. Wagner, Williams, Yeagle
ABSENT:  Amirahmadi, Blimling, Bodnar, Caprio, Chiesa, Colin, Diamond, Dienst, Diner, Dutta, Foley, Gliserman, Goldman, Greene, Gunderson, Habib, Holzer, Hughes, Janes, Jozefczyk, Kenfield, Klein, Mulvey, Pedersen, Rankin, M. Robinson, Schein, Schock, Sharp, R. Simmons, Solomon, Sosa, Stauffer, R. Thompson, Wallace, Wyhopen, Youkneveich
ATTENDANCE                        Faculty:  Of 83 total:  31 present (37%), 35 excused (42%), 17 absent (21%)
SUMMARY                              Students:  Of 53 total: 34 present (64%), 10 excused (19%), 9 absent (17%)
                                                   Administrators:  Of 29 total: 8 present (27.5%), 13 excused (45%), 8 absent (27.5%)
                                                   Alumni:  Of 6 total:  2 present (33%), 2 excused (33%), 2 absent (33%)
                                                   Staff:  Of 10 total:  7 present (70%, 2 excused (20%), 1 absent (10%)
 View Senate Attendance Record for this year

           Samuel Rabinowitz, Chairperson


Chairperson Rabinowitz called the meeting to order at 1:22 p.m. After welcoming all to the annual meeting in Camden, he thanked Interim Provost Margaret Marsh for providing lunch for the Senate. He then made a brief report which included comments on:

SECRETARY'S REPORT - Kenneth Swalagin, Executive Secretary
ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT - President Richard L. McCormick 

President McCormick, noting that he had recently delivered his Annual Address to the Senate, and that the Camden Campus Report was on the day's agenda, made no administrative report. He responded to a question regarding transportation and parking difficulties related to Thursday-night football games in New Brunswick.

CAMDEN CAMPUS REPORT - Interim Camden Provost Margaret Marsh

Interim Camden Provost Marsh presented a Camden Campus Report.  The report included comments on the following topics:
Provost Marsh then responded to questions on topics which included:


Nabil Adam, Rutgers Business School-Newark, was elected by acclamation to replace Jozef Kokini as faculty member of the Senate Executive Committee. Kokini had been elected to the position in April 2007, but has since left Rutgers.


Budget and Finance Committee - Menahem Spiegel, Chair
Response to Charge S-0504, All-Funds Budgeting
Original Charge: Review and evalute the processes and policies related to All-Funds Budgeting
Senator Spiegel summarized the Budget and Finance Committee's charge and report on All-Funds Budgeting. The draft report on this charge was presented to the Senate for discussion and comment. It was not docketed for action at this meeting. On Senator Borisovets's motion, the Senate entered into a committee-of-the-whole discussion on this report and related issues. Senator Spiegel and Executive Vice President Furmanski responded to questions on the report, its findings and recommendations, and on all-funds budgeting generally. Following considerable discussion, also on Senator Borisovets's motion, the Senate rose from committee of the whole. A revised Budget and Finance Committee report on all-funds budgeting will be presented for action at an upcoming Senate meeting.

OLD BUSINESS: There was no old business.

NEW BUSINESS: There was no new business.

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORT: Vice Chairperson Paul Leath was unable to attend the meeting. Senator Cotter reported on the Senate Executive Committee meetings of September 7 and October 11, 2007.

CAMPUS FACULTY LIAISON REPORTS: Senator Robert Boikess reported on the plans and activities of the New Brunswick Faculty Council, including the previous Friday's Annual Teaching Conference.

ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 3:06 p.m.

Kenneth Swalagin
Executive Secretary of the University Senate