March 7, 2008
MEMBERS PRESENT: Adam, Becker, Bodnar, Borisovets, Cooke, Cotter, Greenhut, Gould, Leath (Vice Chair), McCall, Rabinowitz (Chair), Stein, Swalagin (Executive Secretary), Thompson
ALSO ATTENDING: Furmanski (Administrative Liaison)
The regular meeting of the University Senate Executive Committee was held on Friday, March 7, 2008 at 1:10 p.m. in the Executive Board Room of Administrative Services Building-III, Cook Campus.
1.         Chairperson’s Report
Senate and Executive Committee Chairperson Samuel Rabinowitz called the meeting to order at 1:21 p.m. He reminded the Executive Committee that its meeting with the Middle States site visit team would be the following Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. in Winants Hall. There was some discussion of the format and expected elements of that meeting. 
2.         Executive Secretary’s Report
Agenda: Gayle Stein asked that the potential charge on blood drives be moved up on the agenda. The request was approved. The meeting agenda was approved as revised.
Minutes: The Minutes of February 8, 2008 Senate Executive Committee meeting were approved as distributed by the executive secretary.

3.         Administrative Report
Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs Philip Furmanski's administrative report included comments on:
[Ryan Cooke left the meeting at 2:37 p.m.]

4.         Standing Committees
Committee Charges:

Charge to Student Affairs Committee (SAC) on special student organization "Collegians for a Constructive Tomorrow" concept plan. The Executive Committee again discussed the concept plan and supporting documentation related to the Collegians for a Constructive Tomorrow (CAFT) request for access to the referendum process to secure student funding for their organization via term bill. The Executive Committee reviewed what CAFT had submitted as the requisite evidence of annual independent audits, and, noting that the document specifically stated that no audits were done or contracted to be done, ruled that CAFT was not eligible to use the referendum process at this time. Secretary Swalagin was instructed to inform CAFT of that decision.  No charge was issued to any Senate committee on this matter.

[Aleisha McCall left the meeting at 3:00 p.m.]

Proposed Charge to Student Affairs Committee on Discriminatory Practices Related to Blood Drives: Jonathan Becker summarized his proposed charge on potential conflicts between Rutgers’ nondiscrimination policies and the FDA policy of barring blood donations from men who have sex with men. Becker’s e-mail requesting the charge stated:
"San Jose State University has banned on-campus blood drives because of an FDA policy that violates the school's equal protection policy. I would like to request the Senate to determine if the FDA's practice of barring donations by men who have sex with men is a discriminatory practice that violates the equal protection policies of Rutgers University. If the discriminatory practice does violate, then I'd like the Senate to explore and propose options for the Rutgers Administration, up to and including an outright ban on blood drives. The injured parties here are men who have sex with men, who unaware of the policy, are publicly humiliated and socially ostracized by the FDA's policies."
Following discussion, the Executive Committee issued the following charge to the Student Affairs Committee:
Policies on Participation in Blood Drives: Determine if the US Food and Drug Administration's practice and policy of barring blood donations by men who have sex with men is a discriminatory practice that violates Rutgers' nondiscrimination policies. If the discriminatory practice does violate, explore and propose options by which Rutgers' administration may address the discrimination and policy violation, up to and including an outright ban on blood drives. Consult with Melodee Lasky, Executive Director of Rutgers-NB Health Services, and Francesca Maresca, Senior Health Education Specialist, on this issue. Respond to Senate Executive Committee by December 2008.
EVP Furmanski offered to send an e-mail to those involved in planning or promoting blood drives at Rutgers asking them to be aware and sensitive to this issue.
[Karen Thompson left the meeting at 3:20 p.m.]

Proposed Charge to Budget and Finance Committee on Emergency Communication Systems: Gayle Stein summarized her requested charge on how information on emergency situations is communicated to the Rutgers community. The following charge was issued to the Budget and Finance Committee:
Emergency Communication Processes: Investigate and make recommendations on communication processes used to inform students, faculty, and staff about what to do in various emergency situations. These situations may include bomb threats, fires, chemical spills, and individuals with weapons. Consult with Vice President for Student Affairs Gregory Blimling, Executive Director for Public Safety Jay Kohl, and Senior Director of Campus Information Services Matt Weismantel on this issue. Respond to Senate Executive Committee by November 2008.

Proposed Charge to Faculty Affairs and Personnel Committee on Dealing with Potential Psychological Problems in the Workplace: Gayle Stein summarized her requested charge on communication processes used to inform full- and part-time faculty and staff about how to deal with psychological emergencies. Stein’s draft charge was amended slightly, and, over Paul Leath’s objection, the following charge was issued to the Faculty Affairs and Personnel Committee:
Dealing with Psychological Emergencies: Investigate and make recommendations on communication processes used to inform and train full-time and part-time faculty and staff about how to address potential psychological problems with individuals around them. These situations may include potential suicides and substance abuse. Respond to Senate Executive Committee by November 2008.
[Phil Furmanski left the meeting at 4:05 p.m.]

Deferral of Proposed Charge: Noting the time, Gayle Stein asked that the third of her docketed, proposed charges, on utilization of NJEdge, be deferred until the April Executive Committee meeting. The proposed charge was deferred.

5.    Selection of Nominating Panel Members for Election of 2008-09 Senate Officers, Executive Committee Members, and Board Representatives

The Nominating Panel charge and composition was discussed. Secretary Swalagin will be asking the Senate to send him nominations for 2008-09 Senate officers, Executive Committee members, and board representatives. The Executive Committee members will review their standing committee rosters, and consider those who participate in their caucuses, and will send Swalagin additional nominations. The EC also suggested some Senators for membership on the Nominating Panel.

6.     March 28, 2008 Senate Meeting Agenda

The following items, carried over from the canceled February 22 Senate meeting, were docketed for the March 28 Senate meeting:

7.         Old Business
Academic Integrity Policy Update: Martha Cotter reported that the Academic Standards, Regulations and Admissions Committee had met that morning to continue working on revising the academic integrity policy. She said that she expects to have a proposed interim policy, as well as many suggestions for a permanent policy, ready to for Senate consideration at the May 2008 Senate meeting.
Request for Charge Deadline Postponement: At Cotter’s request, the deadline for Charge S-0605, on admissions and financial aid assessment, was changed to December 2008. 

8.         New Business
There was no old business.
9.         Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 4:27 p.m.
Kenneth Swalagin
Executive Secretary of the University Senate