May 16, 2014

MEMBERS PRESENT: Barraco (by phone), Boikess, Burrell (by phone), Cotter (Vice Chairperson/New Brunswick Faculty Liaison), Gillett, Gould (Chairperson), Oliver, Puhak, Swalagin (Executive Secretary), Thompson, Vodak

MEMBERS EXCUSED:  Benjamin, Berman, Sheth

ALSO ATTENDING: Barchi (President), Killingsworth (Co-Chair of the New Brunswick Faculty Council), O'Toole (Dean, Legacy UMNDJ Nursing School - Stratford), Otto (Research, and Graduate and Professional Education Committee Co-chair/Liaison), Rabinowitz (Faculty Representative to the Board of Governors), Robinson (Dean, Rutgers School of Nursing-Camden), Samant (Faculty Representative to the Board of Trustees), Spiegel (Faculty Representative to the Board of Trustees), Velan, (14-15 Executive Committee Member)

The regular meeting of the University Senate Executive Committee was held on Friday, May 16, 2014 at 1:10 p.m. in the Executive Board Room of Administrative Services Building-III, Cook Campus.

1.     Chairperson’s Report 

Senate and Executive Committee Chairperson Ann Gould called the meeting to order at 1:22 p.m. She thanked everyone for an "extremely interesting year," and expressed her appreciation for the committee's collective insight and sense of humor. She said that there would be several guests at the meeting: Professor Mark Killingsworth, who would comment on the commencement speaker selection process; and Camden Nursing Dean Joanne Robinson, and Stratford Nursing Dean Marie O'Toole, who would respond to questions regarding the proposed union of Camden and Stratford Nursing programs. Gould also said that RBHS Chancellor Brian Strom has agreed to present an update on the Newark nursing merger at the September or October 2014 Executive Committee meeting.

Senator Jane Otto thanked Mary Mickelsen and Ken Swalagin for the Senate's new website. Swalagin replied that it was almost entirely the work of Ms. Mickelsen, the Senate administrative assistant. Senator Rabinowitz congratulated Senator Burrell, who had recently received her Ph.D.

2.    Secretary’s Report - Ken Swalagin, Executive Secretary of the Senate
3.    Administrative Liaison - Robert Barchi, University President

University President Robert Barchi presented an administrative report, which included comments on:
President Barchi then responded to questions, or heard comments, from those present on the above and additional subjects, including:
[President Barchi left the meeting at 2:02 p.m.]

4.    Standing Committees/Panels

Pending Charges:

Discussion of Accelerated Responses on Urgent Issues/Charges: Gould had asked that the agenda include discussion of several pending charges which had become more time-sensitive since being issued. The following were discussed and acted upon as noted:

S-1405, Procedures for Selecting Commencement Speakers and Honorary Degree Recipients (to Student Affairs Committee): "Consider, and make recommendations to ensure that, the procedure for selecting Commencement speakers, as well as those who receive honorary degrees, seeks, and provides sufficient opportunity for, input from the Rutgers community. Respond to Senate Executive Committee by November 18, 2014." This charge was discussed at some length, and it was decided that it should be moved from the Student Affairs Committee to the Executive Committee (EC), and that a small subcommittee of the EC would look at processes used at other institutions, and would formulate a response to the charge over the summer. The subcommittee will consist of Ann Gould (chair), Martha Cotter, Robert Boikess, Robert Barraco, Jon Oliver, Samuel Rabinowitz, and Vetri Velan. Mark Killingsworth, who was invited to the EC meeting to discuss this issue, agreed with that plan.

S-1403, Process for Unit Mergers or Other Structural Changes (to University Structure and Governance Committee): "Consider whether the University Senate should establish a general procedure, timeline, template and process for merging, disbanding or making structural changes to any university unit. Consider how such a process could assist the university and units in working in a deliberate, consultative and rational way so that all issues, impacts, concerns and benefits can be properly considered on a timely basis. Make recommendations on time limits, and process. Respond to Senate Executive Committee by January 2, 2015." This charge was discussed, and Peter Gillett, University Structure and Governance Committee (USGC) co-chair, said he would not be available to work on it this summer. Jon Oliver, USGC co-chair, said he would start working on the charge over the summer so that it would be in-progress by September.

S-1404, Revisions to University Policy Library (to University Structure and Governance Committee): "Investigate the procedure for disseminating revisions to University Regulations in the University Policy Library, and make recommendations for improved communication within the University community.  Consider to what extent the Senate, students, academic units, and other affected constituencies are informed of changes made to the University Policy Library. Respond to Senate Executive Committee by February 27, 2015." This charge was discussed very briefly, after which Ann Gould said  that she had included it in this portion of the agenda because she felt it was a natural extension of Charge S-1403 above, but that there was no urgent need to address this charge now.

5.    Continued Discussion of the Proposal for Union of Nursing Programs and Personnel on the Stratford Campus of the Legacy UMDNJ School of Nursing with the Rutgers School of Nursing - CamdenMay 2014 Senate Response, and Budget Projection Received April 29, 2014

Prior to the scheduled arrival of Joanne Robinson, Dean of the Rutgers School of Nursing - Camden, and Marie O'Toole, Associate Dean of Nursing - Stratford, the Executive Committee continued discussion of the proposal to unite the nursing programs and personnel on the Stratford Campus of the Legacy UMDNJ School of Nursing with the Rutgers School of Nursing - Camden. No decisions or recommendations on the matter were made. Deans Robinson and O'Toole arrived at the meeting at 2:35 p.m. Swalagin distributed in hardcopy an update on the issue emailed to Gould from Robinson the previous day. The discussion continued until 2:59 p.m., at which time Robinson and O'Toole left the meeting. The Executive Committee continued its deliberations on the matter, and eventually formulated an Endorsement with Contingency on the merger proposal. The endorsement was adopted by the Executive Committee, with Peter Gillett opposed.

4.1.  Standing Committees/Panels, Continued

Draft Standing Committee Rosters 2014-15, and assignment of chairs: Swalagin distributed hardcopies of draft committee rosters, but said that there were too many missing committee preferences from new Senators to complete them. He said he would follow up with unresponsive Senators and present draft committee rostes for review and approve in September. Research and Graduate and Professional Education Committee (RGPEC) Co-chair Jane Otto said that she had asked several RGPEC members if they would serve as co-chair to replace Gayle Stein (who resigned as co-chair), but that none had accepted, so she would continue to solicit volunteers. Academic Standards, Regulations and Admissions Committee (ASRAC) Co-chair Martha Cotter said she did not need a replacement for Dan Schantz, who had resigned from the Senate. University Structure and Governance Committee (USGC) Co-chair Peter Gillett said that he is not intending to continue as USGC co-chair, and suggested Robert Puhak as his replacement. Puhak said that he would need to confirm that he would have adequate time to devote to the position, and that he would respond after consulting with USGC Co-chair Jon Oliver.

Charge A-0812B on Evaluation of Upper Administrators: On FPAC Co-chair Ann Gould's recommendation, Charge A-0812B on Evaluation of Upper Administrators was dropped until such time as the FPAC is willing to resume work on it.

Reissue or New Charge S-1012A on Balance of Full-time and Part-time Faculty Teaching -
Based on "Preliminary" designation of the Faculty and Personnel Affairs Committee report adopted by the Senate on May 2: On FPAC Co-chair Ann Gould's recommendation, Charge S-1012A on Balance of Full-time and Part-time Faculty Teaching was reissued. The charge will be reissued as Charge S-1406, and will contain a reference that it is a continuation of the earlier charge. A Preliminary Response to Charge S-1012A on Balance of Full-time and Part-time Faculty Teaching had been adopted by the Senate at the May 2014 meeting.

Proposed Issue on Nursing Merger Proposal Process, and Possible Appeal (from the April 2014 Executive Committee agenda) - Submitted by Robert Boikess: Senator Boikess had submitted the following proposed charge: "Determine whether there may have been violations of University Regulation 50.2.2A and B with respect to the various reorganizations of Nursing on the various campuses. In the event that the Executive Committee finds that there may have been such violations, formulate an appeal as defined in 50.2.2.B.2, with the help of University Counsel if necessary." The Executive Committee agreed to not address this issue until the Senate had received a response on Charge S-1403, on Process for Unit Mergers or Other Structural Changes.

Proposed Issue on Senate Role in Advisory Council for University Retirees (from the April 2014 Executive Committee agenda) - Submitted by Robert Boikess on behalf of Dorothy DeMaio, former Rutgers Nursing dean: Senator Boikess had submitted the following proposed charge: "Consider whether there is any appropriate role for the Senate related to the Advisory Council for University retirees. (Correspondence from former Dean Dorothy DeMaio previously sent to Ann Gould.) Here is an excerpt from that correspondence: 'In January 2012, Dick McCormick constituted an Advisory Council charged to assist the administration in creating a university-wide infrastructure for faculty and staff retirees. At today's Advisory Council meeting, I again suggested that since the Senate is the only Rutgers organization that has faculty representation from all campuses we should touch base with the Senate. All present thought it was an excellent idea. Rather than take no action I volunteered to reach out to find the Senate person that I should contact to pursue this issue. It is my sense that the Senate should be informed/consulted if you think it is appropriate.'" During discussion, Gould said that the FPAC would do some preliminary research, and would then bring this issue back with a proposed charge if they decide to pursue it. The matter also involves staff. Swalagin will inform DeMaio of this decision.

6.    Old Business

Continued Discussion of Managed Online Programs Agreement between Rutgers University and  [See also Executive Committee Minutes of November 2013 and March 2014.] Following discussion, during which it was suggested that this issue may more appropriately be addressed in faculty councils, it was decided that this issue would be brought back to the Executive Committee in September.

7.    September 19, 2014 Senate Agenda

The Executive Committee could not plan the September 19, 2014 Senate agenda because it is not yet known if President Barchi will want to docket the President's Address to the Rutgers Community, or if he will present an administrative report only. Gillett pointed out that the Ad Hoc Shared Governance Task Force wanted to continue the Faculty Caucus reception for newly tenured faculty, and to ask Executive Vice President Edwards to fund lunch for that reception.

8.    Adjournment

Before asking for a motion to adjourn, Gould thanked everyone, and extended best wishes to those not returning. The meeting adjourned at 3:47 p.m.

Minutes written and submitted by,

Ken Swalagin
Executive Secretary of the University Senate