November 7, 2008

MEMBERS PRESENT: Bodnar, Borisovets, Bubb, Gould, Greaux, Greenhut, Leath, McArdle, Nolfi, Panayotatos, Pignatiello, Rabinowitz (Chair), Swalagin (Executive Secretary), Thompson

ALSO ATTENDING: Cooke (Student BOG Representative), Cotter (Faculty BOG Representative), Furmanski (Administrative Liaison), Kaplan (Undergraduate Student BOT Representative), McCormick (Administrative Liaison)

The regular meeting of the University Senate Executive Committee was held on Friday, November 7, 2008 at 1:10 p.m. in the Executive Board Room of Administrative Services Building-III, Cook Campus.

1. Chairperson’s Report 

Senate and Executive Committee Chairperson Samuel Rabinowitz called the meeting to order at 1:15 p.m. 

2.    Executive Secretary’s Report
Agenda: Executive Secretary Ken Swalagin said that a proposal for a charge regarding the academic reappointment/promotion instructions which had been submitted by faculty Senator Eric Allender had been inadvertently left off of the agenda, but would appear on the January agenda. The Executive Committee also decided that each standing committee's Executive Committee liaison would be asked to report on which recently adopted committee reports and recommendations require follow-up by the administration. The meeting agenda was then approved as distributed by the executive secretary.

Minutes: The October 3, 2008 Senate Executive Committee Meeting Minutes were approved as distributed by the executive secretary.

3.    Committee Report

Faculty Affairs and Personnel Committee Response to Charge S-0710, Tuition Remission for Part-Time Lecturer Faculty - The Faculty Affairs and Personnel Committee (FAPC) report and recommendations on Charge S-0710, Proposal on Tuition Remission for Part-Time Lecturer Faculty, was summarized by FAPC Co-chairs Ann Gould and Paul Panayotatos. The report and recommendations were discussed, and docketed for action at the November 21, 2008 Senate meeting. The co-chairs of the FAPC noted that the recommendations may be revised at, or prior to, the Senate meeting. [Note: The link above goes to the report as it was presented on the Senate agenda.]

4.    Administrative Report

Noting that there was not much to report since the October Senate and Executive Committee meetings, President McCormick and Executive Vice President Furmanski presented an administrative report which included comments on:

5.    Standing Committee Reports (Continued), Actions and Charges

Committee Report:

University Structure and Governance Committee Response to Charge S-0107, Referendum Guidelines Review and Recommended Revised Referendum Guidelines- The University Structure and Governance Committee (USGC) report and recommendations on Charge S-0107, Referendum Guidelines Review, was summarized by USGC Co-chair Tricia Nolfi. The USGC was praised for its thorough and thoughtful examination of, and response to, a charge which had been issued in 2001. Following considerable discussion, the report was docketed for action at the November 21, 2008 Senate meeting. [Note: The link above goes to the report and guidelines as they were presented on the Senate agenda. Use the following links to view the Senate-revised-and-adopted Report and Revised Referendum Guidelines.]

[President McCormick left the meeting at 2:13 p.m.]

Proposed Charges/Issues:

Proposed Charge to Academic Standards, Regulations and Admissions Committee (ASRAC)- The following charge on the Academic Integrity Policy, drafted by ASRAC Co-chair Martha Cotter, and initially discussed at the October 3, 2008 Executive Committee meeting, was issued to the ASRAC:
Implementation of Interim Academic Integrity Policy: Monitor the progress of implementation of the Interim Academic Integrity Policy and of the University-wide Academic Integrity Committee's (AIC) efforts to develop a new, permanent academic integrity policy. Provide ongoing input to the new AIC charged with developing the new AI policy. Report to the Senate on progress to date toward the end of the 2008-9 academic year. Respond to Senate Executive Committee by April 2009.

Proposed Charge to Instruction, Curricula and Advising Committee (ICAC)- The following charge on the Add/Drop Period, proposed by student Senator Candice Greaux, and initially discussed at the October 3, 2008 Executive Committee meeting, was issued to the ICAC:

Add/Drop Period: Consider and report on the Proposal on the add/drop period submitted by Senator Candice Greaux, and the related resolution from the Rutgers University Student Assembly. Consult with financial aid personnel at Rutgers when discussing the issues in the proposal and resolution. Respond to Senate Executive Committee by February 2009.

Proposed Charge to Instruction, Curricula and Advising Committee on Implementation of 2006 ICAC Recommendations on Availability of Syllabi: A Revised Proposal (originally discussed in October) on implementation of the ICAC's 2006 recommendations on availability of syllabi, submitted by Candice Greaux, with a related resolution from the Rutgers University Student Assembly was discussed and issued as follows:

Implementation of 2006 Senate Recommendations on Availablility of Syllabi: Consider and report on the Proposal submitted by Senator Candice Greaux, and the related resolution from the Rutgers University Student Assembly, regarding implementation of the Senate's recommendations on availability of syllabi, contained in the 2006 Instruction, Curricula and Advising Committee's Response to Charge S-0313, Availability of Syllabi during Add/Drop. Also consider how new technologies, and emphasis on learning goals and assessment objectives for courses, have changed the definition of "syllabus." Respond to Senate Executive Committee by March 2009.

Proposed Charge to University Structure and Governance Committee (USGC) on Including Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration (SVPFA) as Administrator Senator: Based on a proposal from Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs Phil Furmanski, the USGC was charged as follows:

Including Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration (SVPFA) as Administrator Senator: Consider the suggestion proposed by Senator and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs Phil Furmanski to add the Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration as an ex officio, with vote, administrator Senator, as are currently the President, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, chancellors, and school and college deans. Respond to Senate Executive Committee by January 2009.

Proposed Charge to Instruction, Curricula and Advising Committee on Teaching Evaluations, submitted by PTL Senators Won-Jong Rhee and Karen Thompson [Note: This item was tabled at the September 2008 EC. Senator Thompson was excused from the October EC meeting, so this item was redocketed on this agenda. The following excerpt from the September EC minutes describes the status of the proposal: "Natalie Borisovets, longtime chair of the Instruction, Curricula and Advising Committee, pointed out that the Senate had considered this issue multiple times. Paul Panayotatos, co-chair of the Faculty Affairs and Personnel Committee, directed the committee's attention to a 2002 report on Best Practices in Assessment of Teaching, which had come from the FAPC then co-chaired by Paul Leath and Barbara Lee. Candice Greaux pointed out that a recent Rutgers University Student Assembly resolution encourages more informative and responsible alternatives to "Rate My Professor" online. Thompson agreed to review the 2002 FAPC report, consult with her co-proposer, Senator Rhee, and consult with Panayotatos and Leath, and perhaps Gary Gigliotti, by e-mail. The proposal will be redocketed for the October Executive Committee meeting. No charge was issued."] The proposal, as submitted, was:

Investigate and consider the current system of teaching evaluations, including how forms are designed, distributed, collected and archived.  Make recommendations about changes necessary to ensure effectiveness, transparency, and fairness for all concerned.  In particular, consider the feasibility and usefulness of a special teaching evaluation team or committee (under the EVPAA) responsible to oversee the teaching evaluation procedure and including representatives from relevant constituencies, such as students, PTLs, and non-tenure-track as well as tenured faculty.  Considerations that fall within this charge might include:  oversight for consistent implementation, use of teaching evaluations in aggregate only, appropriate use of teaching evaluations within the reappointment / promotion process (e.g., consideration of relevant factors such as class size, difficulty of subject, class times, etc.), creation of added incentives for excellence in teaching, and so on.

The issue was discussed by the EC, and it was noted that the issue is currently being considered in the New Brunswick Faculty Council (NBFC). The EC agreed with Vice Chairperson Leath's suggestion to wait until the NBFC acts on the matter, and then decide whether to issue a charge on the issue to a Senate committee. No charge was issued.

Issue Raised/Proposed Charge to Academic Standards, Regulations and Admissions Committee on Academic Calendar, Spring Break, and Saturday Classes: An issue raised by Chairperson Rabinowitz on potential loss of two Saturday classes during spring break was discussed. Senator Borisovets pointed out that the Senate addressed the matter by adding 15 minutes to each Saturday class schedule. No charge was issued.

Issue Raised/Potential Charge on Parking Permits: An issue/potential charge submitted by Staff Senator Crystal Grant was discussed. The EC declined to issue a charge on the matter. Secretary Swalagin pointed out that the New Brunswick Parking Office is still using staff Social Security numbers for parking registration and billing. EVP Furmanski said he would look into the matter and speak with Director of Transportation Services Jack Molenaar.

6.    November 21, 2008 University Senate Agenda - Items indicated above were docketed for the November 21, 2008 Senate meeting.

7.    Old Business - There was no old business.

8.    New Business - There was no new business

9.    Adjournment - The meeting adjourned at 3:01 p.m.

Kenneth Swalagin
Executive Secretary of the University Senate