November 30, 2012

MEMBERS PRESENT: Berman, Barraco (by phone),  Boikess, Borisovets, Bubb, Dantzler, Gillett, Gould, Panayotatos (Chair), Muse, Puhak, Swalagin (Executive Secretary)

MEMBERS EXCUSED: Rosario, Thompson

ALSO ATTENDING: Barchi (Administrative Liaison/University President), Cashin (Student Board of Governors Representative), Cotter (Faculty Board of Trustees Representative), Edwards (Administrative Liaison/EVP for Academic Affairs), Greenhut (Senate Parliamentarian), Haibach (Graduate Student Board of Trustees Representative), O'Conner (New Brunswick Faculty Liaison), Rabinowitz (Faculty Board of Governors Representative/Camden Faculty Liaison), Spiegel (Faculty Board of Trustee Representative)

The regular meeting of the University Senate Executive Committee was held on Friday, November 30, 2012 at 1:10 p.m. in the Executive Board Room of Administrative Services Building-III, Cook Campus.

1. Chairperson’s Report

Senate and Executive Committee Chairperson Paul Panayotatos called the meeting to order at 1:14 p.m. He thanked everyone for coming to the meeting. He said that he and Senate Vice Chair Ann Gould had met the previous day with President Barchi and Executive Vice President Edwards for the regular, beginning-of-semester discussion, and that the discussion started the previous day would continue in January, when pending Senate reports and administrative responses thereto would be discussed.

2.    Secretary’s Report - Ken Swalagin, Executive Secretary of the Senate
3.    Administrative Liaison

President Robert L. Barchi presented an administrative report, which included comments on:
[President Barchi and Executive Vice President Edwards left the meeting at 1:55 p.m.]

4.    Standing Committees

Issues/Proposed Charges:

Charge Issued to Faculty and Personnel Affairs Committee: Senate Executive Secretary Ken Swalagin reported that, as discussed at the previous Executive Committee meeting, the following charge has been issued to the Faculty and Personnel Affairs Committee:

A-0812B Evaluation of Administrators, Part II: Evaluation of Upper Administrators:  Given the potential joint Rutgers-UMDNJ integration and changes in administrative structure, reconsider the process recommended by the University Senate in 2012 for evaluation of upper administrators, including the University President, Chancellors, and the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs.  Respond to the Senate Executive Committee by April 2013.

Proposed Charge on Practice of Dropping Students from Rosters for Non-Payment of Term Bills, submitted by Robert Boikess: Senator Boikess had proposed the following: "I would like us to charge a committee to look into our practice of removing students from the roster if they don't pay their bills on time and charge the committee with making recommendations for change if they think change is warranted. Here is part of what I wrote to Bruce Fehn on the topic. The response I received from his office suggested that the matter is more complicated than I realize." The Executive Committee discussed the matter, and issued the following charge to the Student Affairs Committee:

Look into the practice of removing students from the roster if they do not pay their term bills on time. Respond to Senate Executive Committee by March 2013.

Proposed Charge on Definition of "Faculty," submitted by Robert Boikess: Senator Boikess had proposed that a Senate committee be charged with investigating how and if  the University's Policies, Procedures, and Regulations define a "faculty member." The Executive Committee discussed the matter, and issued the following charge to the Faculty and Personnel Affairs Committee:

Investigate whether there is a need for a definition of "faculty" to be used in University Policies. If so, develop a definition of "faculty" to be incorporated into those policies. Respond to Senate Executive Committee by November 2013.

5.    Agenda for December 7, 2012 Senate Meeting

Committee Reports/Recommendations introduced at previous Senate meeting were docketed for action at the upcoming Senate meeting:  6.    Old Business

Academic Standards, Regulations and Admissions Committee (ASRAC) Co-chair Martha Cotter summarized her committee's recent work on the remaining academic calendar issue of how to deal with Monday classes and classes starting before Labor Day in certain years. She said she expects a report to be ready shortly addressing that particular issue for fall 2015. This is a follow-up report to the April 2012 ASRAC report on Charge S-1003A, "Academic Calendar, Part 2, Continued," and will be indicated as such when it goes to the Senate.

The issues of minus grades, the pledge of honesty, academic integrity, and the Code of Student Conduct were discussed briefly.

7.    New Business

There was no new business.

8.    Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 2:44 p.m.

Written and submitted by,

Ken Swalagin
Executive Secretary of the University Senate