Executive Committee


January 8, 2010 - 1:10 p.m.

1.    Chairpersons' Report

2.    Secretary’s Report 3.    Administrative Liaison 4.    Standing Committees

Committee Reports:

Academic Standards, Regulations and Admissions Committee Response to Charge S-0807, Add/Drop Period  - The ASRAC had been charged as follows:

Charge S-0807 - Add/Drop Period: Consider and report on the Proposal on the add/drop period submitted by Senator Candice Greaux, and the related resolution from the Rutgers University Student Assembly. Consult with financial aid personnel at Rutgers when discussing the issues in the proposal and resolution. Respond to Senate Executive Committee by December 2009.

Academic Standards, Regulations and Admissions Committee Response to Charge A-0906, Commencement Dates - The ASRAC had been charged as follows:

Charge A-0906 - Academic Calendar, Commencement Dates: Consider and decide on Secretary of the University Leslie Fehrenbach's request (and its attachment) that the University Senate change the University Commencement dates on the academic calendar for 2010 and beyond. The Senate Executive Committee, at its September 2009 meeting, on behalf of the Senate, approved the change for 2010 as an urgent matter requiring immediate action. The ASRAC is now asked to consider the requested changes for academic years 2010-11 and beyond. Respond to Senate Executive Committee by January 2010.

Faculty and Personnel Affairs Committee Response to Charge S-0801, Employee Professional and Personal Development - The FPAC had been charged as follows:

Charge S-0801 - Employee Professional and Personal Development: Discuss, and make recommendations on, how Rutgers can best promote professional and personal development for all of its employees. Consider in these discussions Rutgers' established mechanisms for providing educational opportunities for faculty and staff and their families, the draft resolution on this matter from the Staff Caucus, and relevant input solicited through appropriate Rutgers offices and individuals from various, affected constituencies. Evaluate the mechanisms by which such opportunities are made available to employees, and suggest improved means for encouraging Rutgers employees to take advantage of available professional and personal development programs, and for establishing a continuing culture of employee development at Rutgers. Respond to Senate Executive Committee by November 2009.

Budget and Finance Committee Response to Charge S-0803, Rutgers Emergency Communication Processes - The BFC had been charged as follows:

Charge S-0803 - Emergency Communication Processes: Investigate and make recommendations on communication processes used to inform students, faculty, and staff about what to do in various emergency situations. These situations may include bomb threats, fires, chemical spills, and individuals with weapons. Consult with Vice President for Student Affairs Gregory Blimling, Executive Director for Public Safety Jay Kohl, and Senior Director of Campus Information Services Matt Weismantel on this issue. Respond to Senate Executive Committee by November 2009.

University Structure and Governance Committee Response to Charge S-0908, Proposal to Increase Staff Membership on the Senate - The USGC had been charged as follows:

Charge S-0908 - Proposal to Increase Staff Membership on the Senate: Review the Proposal to Increase Staff Representation on the University Senate from the Union of Rutgers Administrators - American Federation of Teachers Local 1766, which proposes (see last paragraph of linked document) the following: "We recommend that the University Senate double the number of seats for staff from 10 to 20 by January 1, 2011." Respond to Senate Executive Committee by January 2010.

University Structure and Governance Committee Response to Charge S-0902, Senate Speakers, Discussions, Forums - The USGC had been charged as follows:

Charge S-0902 - Senate Speakers, Discussions, Forums: Consider proposals to limit discussion during University Senate meetings, when motions are on the floor, to that of Senators and specifically invited guests. Also consider proposals to provide for public input to issues before the Senate, such as possibly providing for opening the Senate meetings to the public during the President's Annual Address to the Rutgers Community, as well as during the three annual campus reports, and at other times, such as in public hearings or forums by the Senate or any of its committees, and possibly when the Senate is in committee of the whole. Respond to the Senate Executive Committee by December 2009.

University Structure and Governance Committee Response to Charge S-0903, Senate Committee Charge Response Limits - The USGC had been charged as follows:

Charge S-0903 - Senate Committee Charge Response Limits: Consider whether the University Senate should establish a general, maximum time limit for committee responses to charges issued by the Executive Committee. Make recommendations on time limits, and how to deal with charges that are pending in committee beyond specific deadlines or overall time limits. Respond to the Senate Executive Committee by March 5, 2010.

University Structure and Governance Committee Response to Charge S-0904, Assessment of Research, and Graduate and Professional Education Committee Standing Charge - The USGC had been charged as follows:

Charge S-0904 - Assessment of Research, and Graduate and Professional Education Committee (RGPEC) Standing Charge: Review the RGPEC standing charge (See #8) and evaluate whether an undergraduate research component should be added. Respond to Senate Executive Committee by January 2010.

Issues/Proposed Charges:

NJPIRG Student Chapters' Concept Plan (preliminary to a Fall 2010 referendum) [anticipated but not yet received] to be charged to Student Affairs Committee for assessment of educational value of NJPIRG programs.

Proposed Charge to Faculty and Personnel Affairs Committee
on Opportunities for Full-time Staff Who Teach Part-time, sent by Gayle Stein:

Proposed Charge (as originally discussed by the Executive Committee): Examine opportunities available to PTLs who are in a bargaining unit that are not available to those who are ineligible (co-adjutants), including internal grants and professional development opportunities. Assess existing mechanisms used to inform PTLs about university academic business to see if they are or can be applied to co-adjutants. Additional information requested from, and supplied by, Senator Stein, who will attend the meeting to discuss this proposed charge.

Proposed Charge to University Structure and Governance Committee on Proportionalities of Senate Core Constituencies, sent by Paul Panayotatos on behalf of the Faculty Caucus:

Determine how recent additions to the University Senate roster have affected the relative voting weight of the core constituencies of Faculty and Students. Suggest ways for addressing such erosion in the present case as well as for the future.

Potential Charge to Budget and Finance Committee on Pedestrian Safety, based on email exchange between Senator Karen Thompson, one of Senator Thompson's constituents, and Jay Kohl

5.    January 29, 2010 University Senate Agenda
6.    Old Business

7.    New Business

8.    Adjournment