Executive Committee
March 5, 2004 - 1:10 p.m.

1. Chairperson’s Report

2. Secretary’s Report

3. Administrative Liaison 4. Selection and Charge of Nominating Committee for April 2004 Election of Officers 5. Standing Committee and Other Reports, and Potential Charges

Committee Reports:

Other Reports: Potential Charges:

To Student Affairs Committee, requested by Co-chair Marilyn Novell: Textbook Ordering:  Investigate the process and timing of placement of textbook orders, and the feasibility of requiring professors to place book orders by a certain date to eliminate out-of-stock problems with publishers.

To Student Affairs Committee, requested by Co-chair Marilyn Novell: Route 18 Construction:  Explore how the Route 18 construction next year will affect student quality of life at Rutgers. (Senator Novell, in requesting the charge, noted that, "Currently, there are committees forming within Rutgers looking into possibly not allowing/ strictly limiting travel between the campuses next year, and that would have a huge impact on student life next year.")

To Academic Standards, Regulations and Admissions Committee:  Respond to Coalition on Intercollegiate Athletics (COIA) request for review, comment, and suggested revision of COIA Draft Principles, Proposed Rules, and Guidelines Concerning the Faculty Role in Campus.  Respond to Senate Executive Committee by March 22, 2004.

6. Old Business

7. New Business

8. March 26 Senate Meeting Agenda

9. Adjournment